Chapter Nineteen

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"Hey Selene, want to go shopping?" Clara asked me from the doorway into my office. I was about to say no and had a lot of work to do, but something inside me said I should. I needed some more baggy clothes and stationery. 

"Um - yeah, why not?" I asked rhetorically, and I got to my feet. I pushed my intercom button, and Alexi came into the room. "Alexi, can you grab Kelli and Gretchen? We are going shopping." Alexi nodded at me before leaving the room to gather the other two warriors. 

"Why such heavy security?" Clara asked. "It's just me," She laughed. 

"I know, but you can't be too careful with the Warlock still out there." 

"I guess it seems a bit excessive." Clara shrugged, but she didn't push the matter again. Instead, she waited with me as Kelli, Gretchen, and Alexi came down the hallway and over to us. Then, all five of us crammed into an SUV and headed to the local outlet. A good few shops were clustered here, and we parked in the vast car park. 

"I'll wait with the car," Kelli offered, and we all got out while Kelli waited with the car. Then, the rest of us walked towards the mall and chatted about insignificant things. Then, we walked around the mall, going to shoe shops, clothing stores and the stationary section. 

"I need the bathroom," I commented, moving from the group to the bathroom. I saw them as they stood in the hallway to the bathroom. I went in, did my business and washed my hands. It was fun being pregnant. I swear I was peeing so much lately. When I came out of the bathroom, only Clara was waiting for me. I narrowed my eyes at the fact that she was all alone. "Where are Alexi and Gretchen?" I asked.

"Oh, they went to drop the stuff off at the car," Clara said. 

"Oh, that's...okay then," That was strange; they had never done that before and never split up from me. It wasn't like them to do this. "Well, we should head back to the car," 

"Sure," Clara said as she and I walked back down the hallway from the bathrooms towards the shops. We walked back through the shops, and then Clara said she wanted to check out one more store before returning. I was apprehensive about what she said, but she begged me, and I asked her if we were quick. 

As we headed down the side alley between two shops, I quickly realised that we were not born for more shops but for the dumpsters behind the shops. So I stopped walking and started to back away slowly. 

"Where are you taking me, Clara?" 

"To me," I wheeled around, and there was the Warlock. My heart hitched in my throat, and I saw Clara standing beside someone else. 

"Clara, what is this?" 

"If you believe I was ever on your side, you're delusional. I worked for Christian all this time; he is my father." 

"Your father?!" 

"Yes, and we can't have you ruining everything now, can we?" She smirked at me, and my mind raced a million miles an hour. "Especially now that you are pregnant," My hand shot to my bump hidden behind baggy clothes. 


"You didn't believe that it was Mark who poked those holes?" She laughed. "That man is so devoted to you. No, it was me." 

"But how did you...?"

"Hello? Witch?" Clara asked me in a 'Are you that dumb' voice, and I growled low at her. 

"Alexi and Gretchen..."


"Why help me regain my memory if you work with him?" I asked, pointing at the Warlock. 

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