Chapter Thirty

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Tomas Jnr took to being Alpha of the Riverrun Pack like a duck to water. He was a natural, and in no time at all the transition period was complete. He did not need me at meetings, and he did not come to me with queries or ideas because he knew what to do.

Mikayla was a massive help to him and a great source of encouragement. She was an excellent Luna, and I could trust her to take over my previous role. She was also a fantastic mother. It was like she had been born to be a mother. She was from the first generation of non-breeders post-breeders. She had been taken to an ex-breeder mother, but I had removed that defective gene ages ago. She had a wolf, and seeing her and Tomas playing outside together in wolf form warmed me.

Mikayla and Tomas were great parents who had recently told me they were expecting again. I say recently; the months meld together at this point. Mikayla was in her 4th month of pregnancy, which meant she was a month away from giving birth. They did not wish to discover what they were having this time, as Mikayla was sure it was just another boy. They already had two.

Since TJ and Mikayla had taken over for me, I was slowly starting to wither away. My ageing had accelerated, not slowed down, so while I was only 43, I looked well over 100. It was because my soul was ageing quickly towards the end, ready to meet its soul mate and be reunited after all this time. Many people I met, and it wasn't many nowadays; all commented that the pack was secure, that I was soon to be back with Tomas and that I looked tired.

I was tired. I had lived 26 years without Tomas, which to a true soul mate can feel like 260 years. Every day felt like a week, and it all hurt. The wall I had kept around my magic, my pain and my hurt was slowly ending. It was crumbling, and it was not surviving. I had built it to last for the most time I thought it could, and it exceeded my expectations a little. I felt it would crack when TJ met his mate, when they got married, or when they had Noah, but I held on. Maybe it was determination, or I had promised TJ I would be around until he turned 25, but I powered on. My magic was getting darker by the day; I barely glowed anymore when I used it.

I missed Tomas Snr; I was ready to go and could feel it coming. I knew the amount of power I had pushed down would be a cosmic bomb of energy. As such, it would kill anyone in the nearly square mile, so I decided to let go by the old lake, about 10 miles north of the Pack House. It was where Tomas had proposed to me when I told him I was pregnant with TJ. I would leave this Earth for the last time there and on my terms.

"Knock, knock," Mark said as he rapped his knuckles on my bedroom door. I had been living in a cottage about a 10-minute walk away from the old lake. Mark was still Beta, his daughter not yet 25. I smiled as he walked in. He was the only person, other than TJ and the boys, I talked to about Tomas anymore.

"Hello, Mark; what brings you here to see me?" I asked as I finished up my letter to TJ. I have written one for him, Mikayla, Noah and Nathan. I had written Mark one too. These were my farewells. I had also packed up many of my belongings ahead of time and wrote my final will.

"Alpha Tyler has requested to see you." He said as he stood aside and let Alpha Tyler come in. The older man was as frail-looking as I was and was hunched over his walker.

"Thank you, Mark. Will you get my son for me, please?" Mark looked at me, sadness flashing across his face as he knew this was the end. He then nodded at me before turning away. He then quickly turned back and hugged him carefully. He kissed my cheek, and I could feel him take in a shaky, sad breath. "I will be okay, and I'll tell Tomas that you missed him all these years."

"I'll see you eventually." He told me, and then he left to go and get TJ.

"I came because after TJ was announced as Alpha, I knew it would only be a matter of time before you left. I consulted a Seer who told me it would be six months before TJ was made Alpha that you would leave this mortal coil for the last time."

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