Chapter Six

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Mark was right when he said that it was a good thing the Maple Pack was an ally because, with their Alpha's help, we found Adam in a few days. He hadn't been living with the Maple Pack, especially ever since his video came out. Still, he hadn't taken the step to relinquish all ties to the Maple Pack because it was his home and it was where his ex-breeder and pup were buried; because of this, the Alpha of the Maple Pack was able to hone in on Adam's general location and after a day of searching Mark had located Adam. 

"You have no right to kidnap me like this!" Adam protested as he was escorted through the grand foyer towards my office. I watched on the security camera system as he feebly struggled against Mark's grip on his arm, which was pretty useless as Mark was more than twice Adam's size. 

Mark knocked on my office door, and I beckoned him to enter, which he did, dragging Adam in with him. Mark led Adam to the chair across the desk from me and forced him into it. Adam glowered at me but could see Mark and feel his hand gripping his shoulder. 

"So nice of you to meet with me today, Adam," I said sweetly. 

"It's not like I had any choice." 

"No, but I thought it would be best if we started cordial and had a nice chat." Adam didn't say anything. He just glowered harder at me. "Now, I have seen your little interview and your answers. I don't mind admitting that it tore me a little, and I wish to help you." 

"Help me?! It is because of you I am in this predicament." 

"You mean being unable to buy another breeder?" 

"Yes!" He was getting very heated. 

"What if I told you I could give you someone better than a breeder? Your true mate." His insecurities flash across his face, and his mask of anger and indignity shoots back up again. 

"You're splitting up families! Some breeders are happy!"

"I would never split up happy families; I can create second chances."

"And some people don't want breeders who have had children!" It seemed he was reiterating all that the Resistance had taught him word for word. 

"Is that how you feel?" This pulled him up short, and he stuttered. This was the first time he had had to think for himself. 

"Well-I-um-I don't know; it would depend on the situation and the father." He stammered, actually having to think for himself. 

"Well, I have to admit most breeders who have kids choose to stay with their masters who want them to, and so I'm making them mates. If a master has more than one breeder and children with both, then the master can choose to keep them both, choose one as a mate and keep the other in comfort or choose their true soul mate and keep the breeders in comfort. Then those who do not have children have the choice to leave for their true mate. Finally, those who are subjects of abuse can leave and be housed with their children in one of our residential apartments. Having a true mate is entirely up to the people involved, but buying and selling girls for men's amusement and monetary benefit is wrong." Adam looked down for a moment, and you could see the cogs turning in his head. 
"Listen, Adam, the course of true love never doth run smooth. Heartbreak is a part of life." He hung his head a little. "Don't you want to know about your true mate?" 

"How would you know anything about her?"

"Regardless of what Derek might spew, I am Selene, the Moon Goddess." 

"Prove it." I sighed and took a deep breath before slowly breathing and emitting a soft white glow. My hair turned moon white, and a sideways crescent moon appeared above my head. My powers reached out to Adam's wolf, Michael, and his wolf started to squirm and howl in Adam's head. I pulled back and turned back to Kate. 

"Proof enough?" 

"My wolf, he believes you." 

"Do you?" Adam pondered at me momentarily and took in my 'normal' appearance before nodding slightly. "Good, so do you wish to know more about your true mate?" Another nod followed this. "She's 20, not a breeder, and wasn't deemed sellable; nothing wrong with her, but her pack wanted a cleaner, and they picked her. She never got tested." 

"So, she's never had children?" 

"No, she's a quiet, timid young thing," 

"What does she like?"

"Reading, she's an avid reader and loves babysitting the pups. She likes to sew and sing." 

"What does she look like?" 

"Why don't you turn around and see for yourself?" With my words, the double doors to my office were opened, and in stepped a young woman, tilting her head forward to let her black hair cover much of her face. Her hair was long and dead straight, almost down to her waist. She was plump cheeked with an hourglass figure and 5 foot 3. She was pale but had cheeks the colour of red apples. 

Jade was dressed in a pretty pale blue sundress and ballet flats. She stepped into the room and stood behind Adam's chair. Adam turned in his seat to look at Jade, and Mark let his hand fall off Adam's shoulder. Adam got to his feet and just stared at Jade. 

"I don't feel the mate pull," Adam said. "Don't get me wrong, you're very pretty, but I don't feel anything." 

"Oh! I almost forgot." I said, almost smacking myself in the head. I got to my feet and headed towards Jade, who lifted her head to look at me nervously before nodding. 

I placed one hand on Jade's head and another over her heart. I breathed deeply, closed my eyes and sent my magic towards Jade's caged and dormant wolf. I felt her wolf perk up, and my spell broke the cage, which allowed the small wolf to burst free and get accustomed to her new surroundings. 

'It's an okay little one.' I cooed at her. 'Stay calm and get ready to meet your mate.

Jade took a deep breath and opened her eyes, changing from human brown to wolf's green. Jade's wolf and herself attempted to get comfortable and accommodate each other. 

Adam took a deep breath, and his eyes went from wolf blue to black. I took a quick step and stood between Adam and Jade, not a moment too soon as Adam slammed into me, trying to get to Jade. It hurt when he hit me, but I was more robust and held him back. It was a good thing I did because I could feel Jade's fear. I placed my hand on Adam's heart and pushed his wolf back. It winded him a bit, and he spat as he pulled himself together.  

"You're scaring her." Adam took some deep breaths. "Now you've seen first-hand what I can do and that I keep my promises. Do you believe that I am the Moon Goddess, Selene?"


"I never wanted mates to be separated like this or women to be used like this; this was my brother's design. I'm trying to right a wrong."

"I can see that." He was breathing shallowly so as not to take in too much of Jade's scent. 

"I'm not this big evil; I just want to help and fix things." I kept my hand on his heart, keeping his wolf at bay. "I would never force any wolf to do or be with anyone. I just rearranged mates for many from allied packs who did not want an ex-breeder with or without children."

"I'm sorry - I didn't know -" He said, looking more at Jade.

"I understand, and this was meant to be a slow process, but the Rebellion has caused me to speed it up." 

"I-I'm sorry." 

"It's fine, but I could use your help to stop the rebellion from hurting or killing anyone else."

"Killing?" Adam looked genuinely shocked and looked at me.

"My old Head Warrior was murdered in a bomb attack on me when all I had done was attempt a meeting with Rebellions Head." Adam looked shocked, and I could tell he was a good person under all this confusion and mistrust. 

"I'm sorry, again, I didn't know." 

"I just need your help with the hierarchy and anything else you know, please?" Adam tore his eyes away from Jade again and stared at me. 

"Do it, Adam, please...for me," Jade spoke up for the first time. Her voice was soft but firm. Adam's head whipped up so fast I thought he'd crick his neck. Adam stared at Jade and then looked back at me before nodding. 

"I will help you." 

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