Chapter Twenty

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Alexei's POV:

I cursed as I heard the thump from the back seat and saw Selene pass out in my rearview mirror. Her hand slipped from her side, and I saw a large red stain. I pushed my foot down on the accelerator, urging the car to go faster and return to the pack lands. 

I punched the speed dial number on display in the middle of the car. The mini-tablet-style computer connected to my mobile and started ringing out. It took three rings before someone picked up. 

"Pack Clinic, how may we help?" A tinkly voice chimed down the phone.

"This is Alexei, inbound ETA 5 mins with two wounded. Gretchen is passed out due to a spell cast by Clara, and Selene is wounded. Kelli is dead, murdered by Clara and the Warlock. We must strengthen our defences because they are coming! ALERT EVERYONE!" I hung up then and continued to drive, weaving away from traffic and down the dirt road towards the pack lands. 

I punched the access key code so ferociously that I was surprised the pad didn't crack or break together. I sped up to the second wall and stuck in this code before speeding straight to the clinic. I helped the Doctor get the girls onto stretchers and into the clinic. Tomas was there, awaiting Selene, and when he saw her, he choked up and looked white as a sheet. 

"What happened?" He asked me as he watched both women be wheeled away.

"Clara was working for the Warlock." I gritted out. "She lured her into a trap." 

"Change the security codes and strengthen our defences, now!" Tomas ordered, and one of the warriors with him ran away to the central security hub. "Mark, check out Clara's cottage," Tomas called him, and Mark nodded before running off too. 

Mark POV:

I followed my orders and went over to that bitch's cottage. I couldn't feel anything around here, so I smashed the front door down using a massive bolder I had found. I threw a rock into the house to see if there were any booby traps, but nothing went off, so I very carefully walked into the room. 

I used my torch rather than turning on the lights if they had been booby traps. I searched around for clues about who she was, what she was up to, and her plan. I didn't find a lot; clothes, herbs, candles and some books. There was no ID, nothing written down about what she was up to and how she communicated with the Warlock but considering she was a witch, she probably used her magic to speak with him. 

After searching around her house for 30 minutes, I returned from that bitch's cottage, and the idiot had left her spellcaster book. She had left it as if she would be returning. I guess she thought they would get rid of Selene and they wouldn't have much of a fight to contend with. Maybe she felt that she could return and gather her things, be the inside mole again. 

I ran back to the pack hospital and into the room where we had put Selene when she awoke with a gasp and a scream. Tomas, the Doctor and I held her down as she thrashed and writhed. She took in a deep breath and came to her senses. 

Selene's POV:

"I am going to kill that bitch!" I screamed as I calmed down enough, but the scream ached my side, which was stitched up and still healing. Tomas put a firm but reassuring hand on my shoulder and pushed me back into bed. I had fluids and blood in my arms to speed up the healing process. 

"Right now, you need to rest and heal," Tomas told me firmly. He had been through a lot and was understandably upset. Luckily the baby was okay, and so that was one thing off of my mind. 

"She killed Kelli," I said sadly. 

"I know," Tomas whispered. 

"What did you find at her cottage?"

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