Chapter Eighteen

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The Warlock POV:

10 Weeks Earlier

A persistent and loud knock on my dark mahogany door knocked me out of my thoughts. I was annoyed at the intrusion, and with a bark of 'enter', I glared as my second in command slunk into my office—a tall but weedy man with receding black hair and clothes that just about fit. 

"What is it, Garth?" I asked, clear annoyance and frustration at being bothered so late in the evening evident in my tone. 

"I have a message, milord, from your mole inside the Werewolves' camp." I perked up slightly at the mention of my insider. I had placed a very capable and highly skilled mole inside the Werewolf world to determine if the rumours that the Head of the Council is all-powerful were true. I had heard whispers and tales of her might and power. I had sent someone out decades ago to check on the previous Council Head, but he was not who I was looking for. He was just an arrogant, angry little boy. I did not want to start an all-out war or fight if it meant I was fighting an arrogant pup. No, I would not leave my sanctuary without explicit assurances that the Goddess had returned. 

"And?" I asked impatiently. 

"They can confirm that the Head of the Council, a Selene Kate Pine, is indeed the Goddess Selene returned to Earth again." 

"So she is back," I said softly as I sat back into my high-backed leather chair. "Inform the Mole that they are to continue to observe her; I want to see the extent of her powers and crush her again this time. Have my mole ensure that she gets pregnant again. I felt her soul crack when I killed her last time and caused her child not to be born." I gave a sly, evil smile as I remembered the last time I encountered the Moon Goddess, my greatest enemy. 

It was not her that was my issue, but her child. I had heard of this prophecy from a Witch whose powers I was stealing many years before. With her dying breath, she warned me of the Moon's child whose power would ensure the end of mine. I had stolen her powers that year because it was proven that she was a great seer. Since then, I have been searching and killing reincarnations of this Goddess, but it took me years to find the true one. 


2 Days Ago:

Once again, My door was knocked on insistently and harshly, which caused a sigh to emit from my lips as I placed my pen on the desk and ordered the knocker to enter the room. It was again my second-in-command, who was probably used to my snippy tone. 

"Well?" I asked as he came in. 

"She is pregnant,"

"Well, well, well, that mole is doing well. Let's gather our forces," I order Garth as I shoo him away. As he left, I was left with my thoughts and memories. 

I remembered the first time I heard that prophecy and how my heartbeat quickened at the words that slipped from the woman's dying lips. I can remember her like it was yesterday, not over 150 years. There she lay, hair splayed around her as it had come undone from her top bun, and she had cuts to her face, bruises to her body and tears in her dress. She stared at me, defiant burning as she peered at me through a bruised eye. I remember thinking she was lying to scare me, but I could feel no lies in her words, and her eyes shone nothing but the truth. I killed her quickly, stealing her magic and life force to continue my own before using her powers to see if her words were valid. 

I was dismayed to find that she was correct, and so I sought after this Goddess. When I saw her, I was shocked to discover that she was acting mortal. Her powers, whilst there, were relatively dormant, and it was interesting to see how she worked. She did not seem to want to use her magic and be who she was destined to be. Disposing of the threat she posed was surprisingly easy, and a bit sad that there was no real fight in her. 

However, as soon as I turned away to leave, another prophecy hit me, and it was a warning. She would be back, but I could not see when and this time, she would be much better hidden from me, giving her longer to gain power and strength. This was dangerous to me, and I must admit, it filled me with fear. 

So, I went away to gain followers, soldiers and allies to ensure my life was not at risk. I used a combination of fear, bargaining and charisma. Still, I had my moles and spies out there trying to feel their way into the Werewolf world to keep an ear to the ground. Some of these spies were useless, killed quickly or shunned away. As the years bled together, I started believing this was a false prophecy and became complacent. Yet, I still did not pull back all of my moles and replaced them as time passed. 

When rumours circulated about a particular woman in a far-flung pack in America being the Moon goddess Selene, I sent my mole to take a look. When word got back to me that she had returned, I set plans into motion, and allies were called. 

Now that she was pregnant, it meant it was time and needed capturing. I wanted it to be quick, seamless and away from her pack. I would steal her away, play with her and then end her life. It was too fast last time, I involved too much fear with that kill, and I wanted to take my time this time around. The last time I killed her was out of necessity, and this time, whilst still necessary, it would be out of fun for me. 

I spent the afternoon calling around my allies and ensuring that they would stand beside me, which they did. It was a waste of a call, but it kept me in their minds. I had asked a few of them to send their best guys to snatch up the Moon Goddess. I clarified that some might not survive but that I would appropriately compensate their families for sacrificing the magical might we held. 

With the best fighters I had at my disposal coming, I sent Garth a message to pass on to the mole with strict instructions to get the Moon Goddess to public space as soon as possible. They needed to let me know the date they would try and ensure that they let me know if something happened, changed, or went wrong. It was a dangerous move to contact them when they were so deeply ingrained into the Moon Goddess' pack and watched by her. I hoped that they had become as much the confidant as they believed they were so that the Goddess would walk right into my trap with no issue or thinking. 

Now all I could do was sit and wait for the time, date, and place to be revealed. I will accompany those kidnapping the Goddess and ensure the job is done correctly. 

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