Chapter Seventeen

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"You are six weeks today," Doctor Clive told me as he moved the ultrasound wand across my stomach. The gel between my stomach, which was slightly bumped, and the rod, moved around too. I watched as the image on the flat screen on the wall changed as he showed me more angles of the baby. "But obviously, that is 12 weeks in wolf," He said, chuckling, and I smiled as he clicked some buttons. He then measured the baby again and took pictures before the appointment ended. He handed me some tissue paper to clean up my stomach. Doctor Clive turned on the lights and waited for me by the office desk and chairs.

"I am scheduling you to see me again in 4 weeks when you will be halfway through your pregnancy." Doctor Clive set up my next appointment, gave me the printed ultrasound pictures, and waved me off cheerily. 

"So, how did it go?" Tomas asked me as he came into my office. He shut the door behind him, and I waved my hand to create a light barrier so that no one could get in or hear us. 

"Great, baby measures right on track, and I see the doctor again in 4 weeks," I said as I sat back against the office chair. "Oh, and I got pictures," I said as I unlocked a drawer at the top of my oak desk and pulled out the black and white ultrasound pictures. Doctor Clive had given me four, and you could see the outline of a perfect baby. Tomas smiled as he looked down at the photos, and his fingers traced our baby. 

"He's beautiful," 


"I just have a feeling," Tomas shrugged. 

"Well, we will see in 4 weeks," 


Whilst in my office, I reviewed the information that Clara had managed to compile for me, which seemed to be primarily missing person information and confirmation of those killed. I must admit that I was unprepared for the number of people who had gone missing or killed by or because of the Warlock. 

There were people of every age, gender, ethnicity and background. There were werewolves, other witches and warlocks, many humans and even some vampires. The children hurt the most for me, and it was probably because I was now pregnant. It seemed like the Warlock had been around for at least the last 75 years minimum; some of these killings and missing people went back to the mid-1940s, but that was how long these atrocities had been documented for, but he was probably over 300 years old because he has killed me previously. So the younger killings had not been recorded correctly. I had no real idea of the actual total. 

I tried to find his first killing or missing person. Eventually, 45 minutes into trying to sort out the chronological time order, I think I found the first person. I pulled out the paper and looked at a black-and-white photo of a young girl. It was a report that included her death certificate and post-mortem exam details. 

She was 18 when she was found dead by a lake in Idaho with no visible reason for her death. This was why she was given a post-mortem; they still did not find anything conclusive. She was buried in a small, unmarked grave in Idaho, which ended that case. It is still unsolved by the moral police. 

This Jane Doe was a long brown-haired girl with big doe brown eyes, and from the picture, I could see that she had a sweet, round face. She was smiling, happy and carefree in her photo, but then the post-mortem picture they took after their examination showed a young girl with a Y cut on her chest, dark lips, and sunken eyes. A thin, white sheet covered her modesty, and her hair was splayed all over the steel grey slab she was laid out on. 

Jane Doe was found dead on Friday the 13th in April of 1945 at 13:13 from an anonymous tip-off, but the killer called via a pay phone. They never found out how she died, but I can see why Clara put this killing down as one of the Warlocks. The number 13 is in there three times and is onymous. Clara had also attached a note from her investigations. 

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