Chapter Thirty-One

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It was like time had not moved up here or changed. Tomas looked precisely how he did when he died, and I looked like I was 18 again. I cried as I held him, clutching him close and breathing in his scent. He was here and okay, and I was back with him. My heart wanted to explode out of my chest in joy, and I no longer felt tired, angry, or hurt. I was at peace. I could have happily stood holding on to him forever. However, I knew that being back inside the Moon meant I was back to being the Moon Goddess full-time.

"I am so proud of you," Tomas whispered in my ear, and I broke down into heaving sobs. He just held me, comforted me and calmed me down. I pulled back and looked at him through watery eyes, marvelling that I was back with him. I knew it would happen; we broke the curse's hold over us. We couldn't be together and be at peace until we had had TJ, and I had died on my terms.

"You have no idea how much I missed you," I whispered to him.

"I do because I missed you too. Granted, for me, you weren't gone too long, but I know for you, it was painful," time up here moved differently. You could easily skip through years on Earth, but it would feel like a week up here. You could also watch Earth, which slows down time around you and keeps you in line with Earth Time. "I am so proud of you," Tomas repeated, and I blushed a little. "I know living all those years without me was incredibly painful, but I am proud of you for living as long as you did for TJ."

"You watched him grow up?" I asked as Tomas let me over to an L-shaped sofa in front of a TV mounted above the fireplace.

"I did," Tomas smiled. "I would sit here, watching from this TV," he said, pointing to the wall-mounted TV. "I watched you give birth, his first steps, first day at school, first shift, him using his powers, meeting Mikayla, and I was there for the births of our two grandchildren."

"You were there?"

"Yes, I was allowed down on Earth when you gave birth; I touched your shoulder."

"I felt that!" I said in amazement because I remembered that a cold sensation ran down my arm from my shoulder whilst giving birth. I was too wrapped up to think about it, and as soon as it happened, it went. "He never forgot you, you know?"

"I do," Tomas nodded. "Thank you for keeping my memory alive for him."

"He loves you,"

"I love him too,"

We just sat together, cuddled on the sofa, enjoying being in each other's embrace. But, of course, the Earth could have jumped ten years in that time, and we didn't care. I just revelled in the feel of my mate again. It was like I was a starved man, and here was my banquet. I could not get enough of him. I had to touch him, feel his warmth under my fingertips and hear his breaths. Despite being dead, we mimicked life to ease the transformation of souls. They are conditioned to believe that breathing and heartbeat mean that they are living. So to ensure that they do not turn up here screaming their heads off because they are not breathing, we make it so that their souls mimic life on Earth. They can live in the houses they lived in on Earth and look like themselves at any point in their previous lives. People come here and decide to be 30 or 15, or 50. Of course, after about 100 years, Earth time, up here, we ask them if they would like to return. About 75% say yes and either go back simultaneously as their soul mates or keep the soul mate in stasis for a few years. Of course, some say no and never want to go back. Typically, those who had a traumatic experience sometimes, after more time, agree to go back. We don't force it; we make new ones if we don't have enough reincarnated souls. I deal with the Wolf souls, but there are Gods and Goddesses who deal with Humans, witches, Sprite, aka Fairy, Animals, etc. We all have our parts to play.

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