Chapter Sixteen

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We arrived home late the following evening, having driven for almost 24 hours, and my back screamed in protest at me as Tomas helped me out of the SUV. It had been a long three days, and I was starting to feel the effects of it now. 

"I need a bath," I complained as I headed into the packhouse. The men started to unload the cars and minivans before taking the luggage away. I groaned as my back complained about the pain, and I rubbed it as I ascended the stairs towards the second floor. I went into the bedroom I shared with Tomas and over to the en-suite bathroom here. I started running the hot and cold taps, getting it to the right temperature before adding some bubble bath liquid, which frothed and bubbled away. The smell of sea salt and rosemary filled the room as I took a deep breath. I steadied myself and calmed myself as my hand subconsciously reached my stomach. I had a small amount of either bloat or bump because werewolf pregnancies are half the gestation rate as humans. "Little stowaway," I whispered to the bump before getting undressed and into the vast, clawfoot tub. 

The following day Tomas and I rose together and went down to breakfast. Tomas had his usual eggs, bacon, sausages, toast, cereal and large black coffee. I had yet to reach morning sickness yet, I mean I got spasms, but not full-blown, so I still had my usual cereal and orange juice. The packhouse chatter droned on in the background, but I didn't focus on any of the voices. A lot was going on in my brain, and I had a lot to think of. I needed to speak to Tomas today, but away from prying ears. Then, I remembered the old lake far north of the pack lands. I had found it after a run, and it was quiet, still and tranquil up there. I installed an old stone bench there a few weeks ago. 

"Hey, what's up with you?" Tomas asked me after breakfast while we were in his office.

"Nothing, um, can we take a walk?" I asked, and Tomas nodded at me. 

He took his hand in mine, and we walked out the back doors of the packhouse, up the winding path and past many blocks of flats and cottages. Finally, we reached a hill and started to walk up, and we went past the cutest little house, which was vacant because it was so far away from everyone else. The cool spring morning was crisp as dew lay on the grass like a blanket. I heard the sounds of local wildlife, and I heard water as we got closer to the lake. 

"Why bring me out here?" Tomas asked with a chuckle. 

"Quiet, secluded," I said with a shrug.

"Why did we need to go somewhere so secluded?" He asked me as I led him to the stone bench and sat with him. I still had hold of his hand, and I gripped it for strength. I took in a deep and shaky breath. His thumb stroked the back of my hand soothingly. "Selene, what is it?" He asked me, his voice laced with concern. 

"There is no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to blurt it out." I took one more deep breath before letting it all out in a rush. "I'm pregnant," 

Tomas just stared at me. His mouth dropped slightly, and he gaped at me like an out-of-water fish. His mouth opened and closed about three times, and if the situation weren't as grave as it was, I would have laughed. But instead, he ran his free hand through his hair before looking out at the water. He then looked back at me, and shock had been replaced by pure excitement. He picked me up, whirled me around and laughed. 

"That's fantastic," He said, putting me back onto my feet. He then cupped my cheeks in his hands and kissed me hard. He then fell to his knees and kissed my tiny bump, wrapping his arms around me and smashing his face into my belly. "Hi baby," He whispered to the bump. 

We just stayed like that for as long as he wanted to. He caressed, kissed and spoke to my stomach even though I was only about four weeks human gestation, so eight weeks Werewolf. I had yet to go to the doctor. He stayed bent at one knee but pulled me back so that he could look up at me. I stroked his hair, and he smiled at me. 

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