Chapter Eight

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'Tomas!' I heard Selene's wolf call out to me, and it went quiet. My heart dropped into my stomach, and I felt unable to breathe. I jumped out of the second-storey window next to me and shifted into my wolf in mid-air. As I landed, I ran at top speed towards where her scent was most potent, calling for Mark to follow me, and I heard his howl a few miles behind me. 

I came skidding to a halt near the babbling brook, where I found Selene and another wolf. The other wolf was dead with the amount of blood it was covered in, the gaping holes in its neck, and the dead eyes, but Selene was still alive as you could see her chest heaving up and down. I shifted back and ran over to her, pulling her out of the water and onto dry land. Her fur was saturated with water and blood. 

I placed my head on Selene's chest and put my hand against her nose and mouth to ensure she was breathing, which she was, and her heart was pumping. I forced my mind into hers and ordered her to shift, which she didn't, so I tried again. I focused on my Alpha side and pulled as much power as possible before forcing my mind into hers again and ordering her to shift again. Thankfully, because Selene had not entirely accepted herself and who she was, I found a tap into her Luna side, and she went back, allowing me to see her wounds. She was severely wounded with open bites and claw marks. 

Mark pulled the other wolf's body out of the water, and I ordered him to take it back to the packhouse, to the cellar, and I carried Selene back to the pack doctor. 


I came around to the beeping sounds, the smell of disinfectant and the bright, fluorescent lighting of the packed hospital. I could feel that someone had been kind enough to dress me in a hospital gown and cover me in a thin cotton blanket. 

My body ached in places, and I could feel the gauze, bandages and stitches. It hadn't been long since my last stint in the pack hospital. I need to be more careful. I looked around for the bed device, which allowed me to move the bed into a more comfortable position, and when I found it, I put the back of the bed up into a sitting position. Once more comfortable, I rang for the nurse, who came in smiling, her blue scrubs shining in the bright lights. 

"Hello, Luna; how are you feeling?" She asked me as she approached me to check my IVs and the wires. 

"Sore, who found me?"

"The Alpha."

"And the other wolf?"

"In the cellar, so I have heard."

"How is he?"

"The other wolf? Dead."

"No," I chuckled at the Doctor. "The Alpha, how is he?"

"Pissed, that would be my optimum word."

"I can hear her and feel her! " I heard Tomas yell as I heard him scuffling around outside, and then the door to my room burst open to reveal Tomas. His chest was heaving; he had the look of fear, worry, relief, and love just running through his eyes when he looked at me. He stood there for a few seconds and bound over to me, gathering my hand and kissing them. "Oh, Selene..." He whispered against my hand, and I could feel his relief and sadness roll off him in waves.

"Ssh, I'm here; I'm okay. You got to me in time." I whispered soothingly to him, stroking his hair and the side of his face.

"I almost didn't; you were unconscious and bleeding heavily." Tomas sounded scared, and I could see in his eyes that he had seen his biggest fear.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that."

"Just promise me that from now on, if you want to go for a run, we go together, or you take Mark or anyone."

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