Chapter Twenty-Three

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Selene's POV:

As I walked onto the field, heads turned, and feelings shifted. They had saturated the area in blood and bodies. The air was thick with magic, blood, fear and resolve. Arrogance and belief also radiated off the Warlock and Clara as I entered the fight. They still believed that they were able to win this. 

Warlocks came running towards me, ready to fight with magic buzzing at their fingertips and ready to go at their call. Orbs of magic sprang to their hands, prepared to fly towards me at a moment's notice. I dodged, ducked and returned fire to all sent my way. I watched as warlocks ran at me, attempting to stop, hurt, or fight me. 

They were barely strong enough to singe my hair, much less do any real damage to me, and I felt terrible for dispatching them so quickly. They dropped like flies with a simple wrist flick or movement. Their bodies crumble and go lifeless. 

"So you've finally come out of hiding?" As he steps closer to me, one asks, his body filled with bravado and cockiness—a smirk on his lips but fear in his eyes as he takes me in. 

"Oh, I don't do hiding," I say, a sly smile gracing my features as he steps towards me. His hand was behind his back, meaning he was attempting to make an energy ball hit me. He jerked his body, swinging his arm out and just as I had suspected, a ball of energy swung like a bowling ball towards me. It spun and hurtled towards me, but I just stared at it, which stopped it. I saw that the ball was made up of hatred, fear and a little interest. Energy balls were made up of the feelings of the caster, and if another looked hard enough, they could see their emotions. I could understand his hatred of me because the Warlock had warped his mind, and the fear, too, was understandable, but the interest was...well...interesting to see. 

The fear in the Warlock doubled as he watched the orb he had sent stop, shimmer and then shoot back at him like an arrow, hitting its target - his chest and going right through him. A singed, bloody hole appeared in the middle of his chest, and he crumpled to the floor. You could smell the burnt flesh and blood that dripped from the spot. 

I turned and threw energy balls back at two warlocks edging their way closer to me. I hit the first in the head, decapitating her instantly, but I only nicked the other in the neck. Luckily, I sent another quickly after the first and hit the artery in his leg. The hit in his leg took him down, and he screamed in pain, but his hands were covered in blood within seconds, and he had passed out from blood loss. He was dead within another minute.  

Since destroying the lock on my magic and then putting myself back together, it was clear how much of my mysticism was being held back. It was quicker, more decisive and better than it had been before. My magic moved, breathed and lived in me. It was like my right hand and felt like an extension of myself. I couldn't believe I had been without my full magic potential. It felt like coming out of a haze or a coma. It felt like I was waking up from a weird nap. 

Tomas' POV:

With the arrival of Selene, the atmosphere changed, and she brought forth feelings of fear from the opposition and hope from our side. The perked-up attention of our side could be seen through the interest and hope that radiated off of the faces of my wolves. Some were losing hope and seemed to be reinvigorated with renewed hope and belief. Many of us were tired, beaten down and broken in places, but the arrival of Selene and Mark seemed to be the spark we needed to continue this fight. 

I clambered to my feet and rushed over to a boulder. I whipped my head back and howled long and loudly into the night. I called to arms and rallied the troops I had left. They all seemed to grasp and grab at what strength they had left in their broken-down bodies, and they charged at the nearest Warlock. 

The gnashing of teeth, tearing of flesh and breaking of bones rang through the air. Blood spurted out of missing chunks, and torn muscles flew through the air to land on saturated ground. Selene helped the wolves and stopped them from getting hurt. She kept them alive, stopped energy balls from hurting them and sent them back to the casters. 

Mark was like a firecracker. He was everywhere, and he was so quick. His teeth tore throats, his claws ripped into chests, and blood stained his coat. He jumped between victims and left a pile of bodies in his wake. I knew that going him to watch Selene whilst she was unconscious was something that would drive him insane and that he would hate being away from the fight, but he was my best fighter and protector. I am happy that he is here now and has done as I asked. 

I jumped off the boulder and attacked the nearest Warlock, ripping his throat out. I attempted to work my way towards Selene, pushing my way through the bodies and attacking anyone who came at me whilst dodging the attacks of others. 

Eventually, I broke through the crowd with a slash of my claws and was in Selene's line of sight. I smiled a wolfy grin and headed towards her, shifting as I did to kiss her. My face lit up at the sight of her, and she smiled back at me. 

Then the world stopped. Selene's smile fell whilst pain spread through my body. A searing pain radiated through my chest, and then my world went black. Her sad and fearful look was the last thing etched in my brain. 

Selene's POV:

With the howl of my mate, the troops rallied; faces turned to look at me, and a renewed vigour ran through them. They rose, taking down the nearest enemy to them, and I breathed my magic into the air. It swirled and swayed with the wind, carrying through the bodies of those in the fight. It caused the warlocks' ability to throw energy balls slowly and made the wolves quicker. The wolves were taking down Warlock after Warlock with a slash of claws or gnashing of teeth. The wolves revelled in the blood the spilt and howled with every kill. 

I could see that their numbers were now dwindling faster than ours were. I watched as some disappeared out of fear and cowardice because they could not face the fight. I watched as bodies piled up higher, and the wolves seemed to notice that the tide was turning, that we were winning, but the warlocks were noticing this too. 

I turned as I smelt my mate getting closer to me. He was still in his wolf form, but I could tell he was smiling with his big wolfy grin. I couldn't help but smile back. He was here, okay, and barreling towards me, shifting as he did. Then I saw him. Once Tomas was gone, I watched as he was right behind him, and my world ended within a second. I felt my face fall and break. 

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