Chapter Ten

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"A warlock?" Tomas asked, stunned. "Why would a warlock kill us?" He had started to come around to the idea that he had had past lives as well as mine. I had reiterated to him all that I had seen and learnt through the Witch's hypnosis. The Witch, whose name I had learned was Clara Smith, had agreed to stay and live on the Pack Lands for a little while. She had no fixed address and was happy to have a roof over her head for a few weeks. 

"Your guess is as good as mine." I shrugged. There was a knock at the door, and I turned around to stare at Clara in the doorway. She was, again, in a flowing dress, but her hair was up in a ponytail. 

"I have an idea about that," She said as I looked at her and saw a giant, leather-bound book in her hands. It was old, frayed in the parts, and the papers were yellowing. She approached us and placed her heavy-looking book on Tomas' desk. "Every spellcaster's family has a book like this. It is a book of spells we have learnt, prophecies we have heard and beings we have encountered. The bigger the book, the more we can pass on."


"Well, I was reading this book and adding to it, obviously having met you and learning completely how to do a past lives spell, I read a certain prophecy that my mother had heard," Clara said as she opened the old book to a page close to the middle. 

White Wolf

The White Wolf will live anew but with her mind torn in two.
Injustices were fixed, and the family was lost. Past mistakes changed at a cost. 

Mind opened to secrets long since gone, pain remembered before dawn.
Death of the past is remembered at last, and the powers of old are no longer cold.

Revolution is reborn, and allegiances are torn 
Warlock returns, pack burns

A child conceived, at last, parents will need to be steadfast 
Evil is coming for blood, bringing magic with its flood

Remember the past to make this life the last
No more pain, no more change

The child will change it all; the evil Warlock will fall 
A society saved those who were enslaved

"Is this it?" I asked, re-reading this again and again. "Our child is the reason the Warlock murdered me?" 

"Yes, your child will effectively end the reign of terror this warlock has created."

"Do you know of any warlock like that?"

"Not a name, but a story my mother told me." 

Four hundred years ago, a young warlock rose to power quickly and gained followers after I died again. A mixture of the strong, who had finally found a leader they could follow and the weak, looking for protection, which turned into enslavement. 

They spread across a lot of Canada and North America. He had kept people under an iron thumb and kept their powers weak enough that they would not be able to leave. He also made them scared to go. If they tried, he killed them, and their family was tortured and killed before them. 

One of the women in his encampment was a seer, and she kept them moving and kept them safe, so when she told him that a child who was going to kill him had been conceived, he set out to kill the child. 

The encampment is still alive, smaller than it once was due to fighting and fewer births, but they still lived in Canada somewhere, which is the last place that Clara heard. 

"Why has no one dealt with him?"

"Warlocks and Witches don't have laws and rules as you Wolves do." 

"So you let him get on with enslaving you guys?"

"Not all of us."

"Still, why didn't the rest of you deal with him?"

"Unless he came for one of us, then our families did not get involved, and this group was notorious for killing off entire families quickly and efficiently." 

"You were afraid,"

"Hey! We didn't see you all helping us!" I could tell this was a sore subject for Clara. 

"We would have if we knew he had killed us," I said, wagging my finger between Tomas and me. "Okay, so now we have two things to deal with." I sighed as I sat down. 

"We need to divide resources." 

"Or ask our alliances for more."

"First, let's break down this prophecy." 

The White Wolf will live anew but with her mind torn in two.
Injustices were fixed, and the family was lost. Past mistakes changed at a cost.

Well, when I was reborn, my mind was torn. I had memories of my current life, and Selene put my past life away. I was torn in two between Kate and Selene for a long time. '

'Injustices fixed, and family lost' could be talking about my brother and how I had to kill him, which fixed the past injustices but made me lose my family. I had to change his past mistakes, but at a cost, because I had killed my brother. 

Mind opened to secrets long since gone, pain remembered before dawn.
Death of the past is remembered at last, and the powers of old are no longer cold.

My mind was recently opened to secrets long since gone because I had just remembered my past lives, but I also remembered the pain of not only my death but Tomas' and our child's. The second line was about the death of the past place, which I do, and my powers of old have now been remembered. My muscles are no longer cold, and I can remember all of them, strengthening me again. 

Revolution is reborn, and allegiances are torn.
Warlock returns pack burns.

We are in the middle of a revolution, and the allegiances we thought we had are being torn, but then we are pulling allegiances by getting people over to our side. This line scared me because it told me that the Warlock was returning and that a pack would burn. Was it mine? Another? 

A child conceived, at last, parents will need to be steadfast
Evil is coming for blood, bringing magic with its flood

A child conceived? Tomas and I were going to create a child soon. And we will need to be steadfast; does this mean that as soon as we imagine that the Warlock will know? Evil is coming for blood; does this mean the Warlock will be coming again to kill us and our child? Or at least try. He may bring the magic with its flood to get more than just himself this time. 

Remember the past to make this life the last
No more pain, no more change

, I have done this; I can remember my past lives and want to make this life the previous. I don't want to keep jumping and reincarnating myself. I don't want to go through any more pain or change. 

The child will change it all; the evil Warlock will fall
A society saved those who were enslaved

My child will change it all and cause the Warlock to fall, but only if I am steadfast and stop this evil coming with a flood of magic. My child will save the enslaved if I manage to carry it to term. 

"So we are pretty much here," Tomas said, pointing at the Revolution part. 

"Yeah, and it looks like the rest will play out when we conceive."

"Well then," Tomas said, clapping his hands together. "We know what we need to do."

"We do?" I asked.

"Yeah, come on, let's go make a baby."

"You must be joking!" 

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