Chapter Fifteen

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I awoke a couple of hours later, my body still humming in happiness but desperately needing the toilet, so I got out of the warm bed to hobble over to the en-suite bathroom. I turned on the light in here and shut the bathroom door. I went to the toilet but realised we had run out of toilet tissue, so I left the bathroom, snuck across the bedroom and out of the room in my robe. I went down the hall to the bathroom supply closet that Luna had shown me when we arrived. Clicking on the light in this closet, I went to look for toilet paper. 

My heart dropped as I scanned the shelves at the sight before me. In a small blue box was something that I thought I would have needed by now, tampons. When I did the math, I realised I should already be on my period. I then looked at the box next to the tampon box containing pregnancy tests. I couldn't have been pregnant because Tomas and I had been using protection. I shakily took two pregnancy tests from the crate and grabbed a plastic cup as I left the storage cupboard. I turned the light off and went back to my en-suite bathroom. 

After peeing into the cup and putting the two tests in it for 15 seconds each, I put the caps back on to the tests, put my pee down the toilet and then placed the used cup into the bin. I then flushed the toilet and washed my hands while waiting for the tests to tell me my fate. 

I couldn't be pregnant; I couldn't be. We had been so careful, and I hadn't had heat in a year, back when I was still Kate. I didn't get pregnant then; now we realise it was because I needed to be Selene first. I didn't realise that I was pacing until I found myself at the bathroom door when I was standing next to the toilet. I bit my nails and ran my fingers through my hair. It wasn't that I didn't want to be pregnant at all; I didn't want to be pregnant right now. Not with the Rebellion to deal with, and I was hoping to gather more information about the Warlock before getting pregnant. Now I felt like I was going into the next battle completely blind. 

I tentatively stepped towards the two sticks on the countertop next to the sink and then another. I stood before the two white sticks and took a deep breath before turning them over. My heart stopped. My stomach dropped. My brain raced, and my hand went down to my flat stomach. 

The first test had two pink lines, dark enough that you could not mistake that they were there, and the other just said PREGNANT. My other hand was shaking as it went to my mouth, and my breathing was shallow. 

"Shit," I whispered. "Shit, shit, shit," I repeated. "How?" I whispered to myself as I put the tests in my toiletries bag so Tomas didn't see them. I didn't need him being overprotective right now. I went over to Tomas' toiletry bag and pulled out another condom. I then put the plug in the sink and ran the water to fill it up. I then submerged the condom and waited, but almost instantly, little bubbles came out of it as it sunk to the bottom. There were holes in the condoms. Someone had poked holes in the condoms, and the person who had given us these was Mark. Mark caused us to get pregnant? He wanted us to get pregnant? Why? Could he be working for the Warlock? 

KNOCK! KNOCK! I almost jumped out of my skin, and I quickly threw the offending condom into the trash and covered it with toilet paper before letting the water go. I pulled my magic around me, hiding my changing scent and feelings. I had essentially put a mask on. I went over to the door and opened it to find a sleepy, dishevelled and happy Tomas. He was naked as he had just fallen asleep after we had sex. 

"Morning, beautiful," He said to me in greeting and leaned forward, giving me a quick kiss. It warmed me, and I blushed a little. "You okay?"

"We were out of toilet paper, so I had to get that. Did the alarm go off?" I asked. The alarm is usually the only thing that can wake Tomas up, and he nodded at my question. 

"Time to go to war." He looked conflicted. 

"What is it?" I asked in concern. 

"It's just weird to let my mate lead an army into battle when all I want is for her to stay home and be safe."

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