Chapter 5.2

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Harry was awoken by a constant knocking on his door. He groaned and rolled over on his bed, burying his head underneath the pillow. Surely if he ignores them, they'll go away, right? After a brief pause, the knocking started again and Harry let out a grunt of frustration as he was finally forced to leave the confines of his bed.

In no rush whatsoever, Harry pulled on a pair of denim trousers over his boxers and grabbed a t-shirt from his drawers. He had no idea what time it is but he didn't care. He had just gotten back from his latest mission overseas (Switzerland, the Alps) and was looking forward to a couple hours of shut-eye before heading into the office to do the necessary paperwork. Whoever's behind the door right now better have a damn good reason for waking him. All the Gryphons knew not to disturb "the Potter slumber" unless it was a life or death situation.

Not bothering to look at the peephole, Harry yanked his apartment door open ready to give whoever's behind it a piece of his mind. His tirade was caught on his throat when he caught sight of the figure behind the door. Or rather, two figures.

The first was the man who filled the role of his dead father. It was his father's best friend and his own godfather, Sirius Black. He looked the same as ever, Harry thought, noting Sirius' curly black hair cut to his shoulders and his mischievous grey eyes. Sirius was dressed in plain black wizard's robes and flashed Harry a smile. Harry hadn't seen his godfather in person in a while, the last time being about six months back when his mission took him to Scotland and they were able to meet at Hogsmeade. In somewhat surprising turn of events, Sirius Black was offered the role of the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor after The Defeat and he had accepted. The many documented events of him fighting alongside Harry and Dumbledore during the Battle of Hogwarts against Voldemort and his Death Eaters were finally able to clear his name. For the better part of the past eleven years, Sirius had devoted himself to teaching the new students of witchcraft and wizardry in Hogwarts' halls. Needless to say that he had broken the curse of the Defence Against the Dark Arts position.

The second was a figure also very familiar to Harry. For during his seven years at Hogwarts, this man was his guide, protector, counsellor, and eventual friend. It was Professor Albus Dumbledore. He had aged since the last time Harry had seen him, yet his blue eyes were still twinkling with mirth. Dumbledore was gravely injured during the Battle of Hogwarts and had temporarily given up the position of Headmaster to Professor McGonagall to recuperate. She oversaw the rebuilding of Hogwarts during the months following The Defeat until his health was in check. She happily gave the position back, claiming that she had missed being in the classroom.

"I hope we're not interrupting, Mr. Potter." Professor Dumbledore said in his wispy voice. He gave a smile as he noticed Harry's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Oh we definitely are interrupting, Albus. Didn't you see his face when he opened the door? He looked ready to blow a gasket!" Sirius answered jovially. He pushed the door open and enveloped his godson in a hug. Harry was at a loss for words. He's happy to see them, yes, but what in the world are these two men doing in his flat?

Sirius ushered the older wizard in and soon Harry found himself standing in his lounge with his godfather on the loveseat and Professor Dumbledore on the sofa. He cast a quick look around the room and sighed in relief that no clutter was visible. Looking at the empty seat on the sofa next to Dumbledore, Harry decided that it's probably best he stand to hear the reason of the men's visit.

"Sirius, Professor Dumbledore, while I'm very happy to see the two of you, I must ask what you are doing here in my flat in the middle of a Thursday?" Harry asked, crossing his arms and looking at the men. Sirius gave a broad grin before he stood up and walked over to where his godson was standing.

"Harry, my boy, I've decided to retire." Sirius declared, clasping Harry on the shoulder.

Harry looked at his godfather, bewildered. "Sirius, you're not even fifty. I thought you loved your position at Hogwarts as the Defense professor!"

Sirius nodded his head sagely. "Yes, I treasured my position greatly and I will be forever thankful to Dumbledore for giving me the opportunity to go back to Hogwarts. But, Harry, I realized that I never really had the chance to see the world." Sirius remarked, a faraway look in his eyes. "After I graduated, I joined the Order, and then I was framed for the death of your parents and spent years in Azkaban. After escaping, I spent years living as a dog to escape those blasted Death Eaters. After I finally found you, I knew I had to help any way I can to bring down Voldemort and rejoined the Order. And then after that, I was back at Hogwarts teaching. I don't regret any of the choices I've made that led me to where I am now, but I want something different."

Harry paused after hearing his godfather's words. Sirius remained to be one of the toughest people Harry had ever known for the very same reasons the Animagus orated just seconds before. Despite the gruelling adversities he faced over the years, Sirius triumphed and was able to lead a content and even happy life.

Harry smiled at his godfather and gave him a hug. He understood Sirius' need to get away and to want something different. He had been feeling the same way. He loved his job as the Gryphon's commander but he can't help but wonder if there's something more than the never-ending missions, late nights, and ever constant sense of danger. Over the years, he had grown to harden himself against missing his friends and had learned to minimize his need for companionship. But late at night, when he's tossing and turning in his bed with his body tired but his mind alert, Harry can't help but think back to the nights spent at the Hogwarts library or in the Gryffindor common room, with his two best friends by his side as they toiled away over their assignments. He missed those times, and he missed his best friends greatly. Ron's only an owl away, and for that Harry's grateful. But Hermione... no, he wouldn't think of her right now. He can't think about her right now. 

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