Chapter 6.3

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James carefully navigated his way through the hallway of the Hogwarts Express with Athena's cage in hand. Some of the students were already in compartments, but many were still walking through the train trying to find their friends. Since James didn't know anyone, he thought it best to find his own compartment first so he can gather his thoughts before introducing himself to the other first years. He's not at all a shy boy, but the whole ordeal was a bit overwhelming and he wanted a couple of minutes to himself to regroup.

Thankfully, the back of the train was still filling up with students and James settled into an empty compartment. He carefully laid Athena's cage on the carpeted floor away from the door before sitting by the window. He rested his arms on the table propped underneath the window and sat quietly for a few minutes while looking out onto the platform. "This is it, James. It's time for your new adventure," he whispered to himself. "It's okay that you didn't grow up around magic. You'll be fine. Mum's just an owl away. You can talk to her anytime."

The train whistle blew and the compartment gave a jolt. Athena fussed in her cage after feeling the ground move and James reached down to stroke her head between the bars. "Shhh, it's fine, girl. Everything's alright."

Suddenly, the compartment door banged opened and James watched as two boys came into view. They were both quite tall and skinny wearing matching black robes of the first years. The slightly taller of the two, a redhead with striking blue eyes, had a hand behind his head and was looking at James sheepishly. The other, a boy with blonde hair, rolled his golden eyes at the readhead and looked at James with a smile.

"Sorry about banging the door there, mate. Didn't realize it would open so easily," the redheaded boy said.

James gave a shrug and smiled. "S'alright. No harm done."

The golden-eyed boy shook his head and snickered, "Leave it to Weasley to already cause a ruckus. Say, would you mind if we sit here with you? Everywhere else is full."

James didn't hesitate. He shook his head no and the two boys shuffled their way inside the compartment. The blonde boy had an owl cage which he sat down next to Athena's and the redhead gently ushered a tabby cat inside.

James extended his hand towards the two boys and said, "I'm James Watson. This is my owl, Athena. Nice to meet you."

The blonde grasped his hand first and shook it firmly. "My name is Edward Lupin, Teddy for short. My owl's Phineas." James looked at the barn-owl and noted its white feathers whose tips were tinted orange.

James grinned and asked, "Phineas... like the cartoon?"

Teddy broke into a smile and nodded his head enthusiastically. "Yes! Like the cartoon." He turned his head to the redhead who had sat down on the cushions against the compartment wall. "See, Nate? I told you some people would know about cartoons."

Nate rolled his eyes before extending his hand towards James' and giving it a good shake. "The name's Nathaniel Weasley, but please call me Nate. This large ball of fur is Basil."

James was reminded of his trip to Diagon Alley and wrinkled his brows as he recalled. "Weasley... hang on! Are you related to the owners of the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes by any chance?!" He asked excitedly.

Nate smiled largely showing his full set of teeth. He nodded his head and picked up Basil from the floor to stroke his fur. "Yep! Uncle Fred and George are the owners."

"Wow! They have the funnest items ever. I bought a couple of the extendable ears to try and some of their sweets."

Teddy sat next to Nate and cautioned the excited boy, "Be careful with those sweets, James. Fred and George are notoriously... exact with their items."

James sat down across from the pair, confused. "What do you mean by exact?"

Nate snorted and launched into a tale. "Uncle George gave Teddy here a Tongue Twisting Toffee once. He ate it and had his tongue tied in a knot for hours! We couldn't get it undone until Uncle Remus casted a spell!" Nate chortled as he recalled the memory. Teddy just rolled his eyes.

James gave a small laugh and smiled kindly at Teddy. "Thanks for the warning then, mate. I'll be careful around those sweets."

Teddy grinned. "No problem. Sorry if I'm being too forward, but are you a Muggleborn then? It's just... you know about cartoons and not many wizard kids do!"

James paused for a moment and looked at the kind faces of Nate and Teddy. He felt comfortable around them. "Mum's a Muggleborn and I didn't grow up around magic. Are you a Muggleborn, then?"

Teddy shook his head in the negative. "No, mum and dad are just really open to Muggle inventions. We live in a very small town north of Liverpool and it's easy to get bored. Mum suggested we get a telly and I've been hooked on it since!"

Nate thoughtfully said. "I still don't understand the fascination. It sounds like any other picture to me. There's a rectangular space with people and they move and talk. What's so special about that?"

James and Teddy shared a grin before launching on an explanation of the wonders of the television.                       

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