Chapter 16.6

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James held his mum's hand and he looked at her with pensive eyes. He was awoken very early that morning by Professor McGonagall with word that his mum had been found and rescued by the Aurors. Moreso, she had told him his mum had been transported from St. Mungo's and into Hogwarts' very own hospital wing.

Professor McGonagall didn't tell him what happened to his mum or why she was taken. She didn't explain why two Aurors stood guard outside of the hospital wing. The professor only assured him that his mum would be fine and, surprising James, gave him a hug. She left the hospital wing with Professor Dumbledore beside her to be alone with his mother. At that moment, James didn't really care about what had happened and so he hadn't questioned the older professor. All he cared about was that his mum was safe and sound.

Now that he was reassured of this fact and had seen Madame Pomfrey fussing over his mum that morning, James allowed himself to think about the what and the why.

What had happened to her?

Why was she taken?

He appreciated the proximity of his mum but his curious mind knew that it made more sense for his mother to recuperate in an actual hospital instead of the school's hospital wing. Why was she here instead of at St. Mungo's?

He looked at her sleeping form and frowned. She looked paler and thinner than he had last seen her at King's Cross. Her side was wrapped and bandaged as was her right hand. He gently moved her left hand to his mouth to kiss and the bracelet he had given her years ago twinkled in the light.

James knew his mother had secrets. He knew that his mother had a past he had never known before. Those were made very clear to him when it was revealed that he was a wizard and his mum, a witch. He had never questioned her before, though, except for that one moment in time when he asked why she left magic behind and who his father was. He knew it pained her to answer and so he had never asked again.

So James wondered if it was her past that had embroiled her in this mess. He wondered if it was all the secrets she had kept before that had put her in the hospital wing. He didn't know and not knowing made him worry.

He made a note then to find Professor Potter as soon as possible and to speak to him. He owed the Professor, the Auror, everything for making true his promise of finding his mum. James wanted to thank him and to ask him the questions that were mounting. He trusted Professor Potter and he knew the man wouldn't lie to him.    

A sound from behind him drew his attention from his mum and his eyes looked to the entrance of the private suite of the hospital wing. He saw the large door open and a familiar head poked inside.

"Hey mate," Teddy said with a smile. "Thought we'd have breakfast here with you. Professor McGonagall told us where you were when we got to the Great Hall."

The door opened to reveal a grinning Nate behind it as well. The two boys were carrying trays with plates full of breakfast things and goblets of orange juice. James found himself smiling as his best friends walked inside. They set the trays down on top of a small wooden table and positioned chairs around it. James left his mum's bedside and joined his friends around the table.

"Thanks guys," James said with a heartfelt smile. For the food, for the friendship, for everything, he silently added.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," Nate said wisely. Teddy only grinned and the boys dug in.

After their empty trays were taken by Hogwarts' house elves, James went back to Hermione's bedside while Nate and Teddy remained seated around the table. Nate was hurriedly finishing up a Potions essay due in class in an hour while Teddy was snickering at his agony.

"You should have done this paper a week ago," James said from his spot.

"I wholeheartedly agree!" Teddy said in reply. Nate only rolled his eyes at the two and grumbled.

Teddy stood from his seat and approached James. He put a hand on his best friend's shoulder and squeezed. "How are you doing? How's your mum?"

"I'm... okay, I guess," James replied. He heard the quill scratching stop and Nate joined their huddle. "I'm glad she's here and she's safe but I just want her to wake up and be... really okay again," he said slowly.

"Do you know when she'll wake up?" Nate asked softly.

James shrugged. "Madam Pomfrey came in this morning and told me it probably won't be for a day or two. She said mum is magically and physically exhausted. She keeps giving her these potions." He gestured at the bedside table stacked to the brim with small bottles.

"If Madam Pomfrey says it so, then it must be!" Nate replied. "Dad told me how he and Uncle Harry always got into trouble at school. They ended up here a lot. But look at how they are now - they're fine!"

James cracked a smile at that. He appreciated how his friends were trying to make him feel better.

"By the way... have you seen Uncle Harry?" Teddy asked him.

At this, James shook his head. "No, I haven't seen him yet. I don't know where he is. I want to speak to him to ask about what happened and... to say thanks."

Teddy nodded in understanding. "He'll be around. He's probably just finishing up the case," he said.

James thought that the case didn't look finish to him since the guards were still outside his mum's room.

There was a gentle rap on the door and Madam Pomfrey came inside.

"Good morning, gentlemen," she said kindly. "I appreciate you looking over Ms. Granger for me while I was gone but I do need to tend to her now," she ushered them towards the door.

James' mouth opened to protest and Madam Pomfrey tsked. "Mr. Watson, you and your friends have class soon. You can come visit again during lunch. Your mum wouldn't want you to miss class because of her," she said sternly. "Besides, there are people outside waiting for you. For all of you."

At her words, the boys looked at each other curiously. James gave the bed one last worried glance before he let himself be led away from the private wing by Nate and Teddy.

"Why did Madam Pomfrey call your mum Ms. Granger?" Nate whispered as they walked away. "Isn't her last name Watson?"

"It's a long story..." James replied, but his voice trailed off when he saw the group of people waiting for them outside.

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