Chapter 15.6

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Her body ached all over.

Hermione couldn't tell if it was because of the spell that hit her earlier or the fact that she laid on a cold, hard floor.

Her hand reached around her, found nothing but hard surface, and she pulled herself up to sit. God, she hurt everywhere. Her shoulders were knotted, her back felt as if an elephant walked over it, and her head was pounding like the steady beat of a drum. She shut her eyes to keep the room from spinning and brought her other hand to her face. Through half-closed eyes she glimpsed the silver bracelet around her wrist which James had given her and her heart ached. She worried about her son.

An opening of a door drew her head up and she looked to see Demetre Demos walk into the room flanked by two other wizards. She lowered her hand, willed her head to stop pounding, and stared down the bastards who took her.

She would not give them the satisfaction of seeing her in distress.

"I see that you're up, Ms. Watson," Demos said, his voice light and friendly.

Hermione remained silent, only stared.

His hazel eyes narrowed slightly. "You know I'm a very busy man, Ms. Watson, Jane. And I know how much you want to go back to your home in London. So let me just ask you one more time so you and I can move on with our lives," he said, his voice carrying an air of superiority and false benevolence.

"Where. Is. It?"

Nothing but silence.

He snarled and stalked further into the room. He knelt down in front of her and grabbed her chin roughly so he could look at her in the eyes.


Hermione could see how frustrated he was. How angry. Those hazel eyes of his were dark with fire and fury. He was cracking, she knew. But yet, he wouldn't kill her. That's clear to her now. He was after one thing and she knew that he knew he would never find it if he killed her.

She just had to hold on a little longer. Her son... James... James would tell Minerva. And she would alert the authorities. She had told her old professor enough. Not all of it for that would risk Professor McGonagall's safety if it were ever found out Hermione told her about her work. But she had told Minerva enough so that she knew whom Hermione was working for and the criticality of her discovery.

She remained silent.

Demos growled. "Talk you fucking bitch!" He yelled and squeezed her chin harder.

Her eyes held defiance. She would not give. He would never get his hands on the staff if she could help it.

An animalistic sound erupted from his throat and he pushed her head away in disgust. He stood up, stalked towards the two wizards who remained observing by the door, and turned around again to face her. 

Oh he was really angry now. Those hazel eyes had turned almost black with fury. His face was scrunched up in incensed rage.

"If you won't talk, then I hope you scream," he said menacingly. His wand was suddenly in his hands again. He pointed it at her and said a word that sent her whole world into dizzying pain. "Crucio!"

Pins and needles and hot licks of fire enveloped her body. She collapsed on the ground, her mouth opened in a silent scream as intense pain she had only felt once before assaulted her senses. Tears spilled from her eyes but she held her screams in.

'Just hold on, Hermione,' she told herself. 'Just hold on.'

The pain consumed her and her world turned black again.

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