Chapter 16.3

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Tonks whistled softly to herself as she carefully carried a box holding an ancient Greek figure. She had picked up the first piece she saw from the first study gallery she entered. However, instead of going back to where she came from, Tonks started to explore the basement. The conversation she overheard through her earpiece almost made her step falter.

Yaxley was one of Voldemort's Death Eaters they were unable to capture after the war eleven years ago. They were sure he had gone into hiding and had hoped that he died in a ditch somewhere. It seemed like they were only half right for it sounded like he was very much alive.

And he was working for someone he called The Master. Questions immediately raced through Tonks' mind.

Who was The Master?

What is the staff?

Why do they want it?

And, more importantly, was Voldemort still alive?

Tonks quickly dismissed the last question.

She was there during the battle. She was fighting alongside her husband against Dolohov and her dearest aunt Bellatrix. Voldemort's death in the hands of Harry caused the two Death Eaters to falter and they were bested by the Metamorphmagus and the werewolf. She saw the devastation in her aunt's face and heard her agonized cry for her master before Tonks' Incendio engulfed her in flames.

Tonks knew with all of her being that Voldemort was dead.

So was The Master another dark wizard on the rise?

"What are you doing here?" She heard someone ask. From down the hallway, she saw two men standing guard in front of a large, steel door. One of them had his full body turned towards her and he had a glower on his face.

"I've just picked something up from the galleries for a shoot," Tonks replied back in Greek with a modest shrug. The hallway was wide but with sparse lighting. Most of the doors were marked and Tonks knew they led to large rooms containing some of the museum's artefacts either in storage or in study galleries.

"Well the exit is behind you so leave! There's nothing to see here," one of the men ordered. Tonks was about to reply when footsteps echoed from the other side of the hallway. She watched as Demetre Demos stomped through the dimly lit aisle with an entourage of men following behind him.

He looked absolutely angry and Tonks felt her heart beating faster as he immediately walked towards the guarded door. His wand was gripped tightly in his hand and he gave no care to the Muggle curator standing nearby. The two cronies opened the door without being asked and Demos stalked inside. Six of the men with him followed him while the other two doubled the number of guards outside the door.

"I said LEAVE!" The same man yelled at Tonks after closing the door behind Demos.

"R-right. Sorry. I'll be leaving now," Tonks stammered in disguise. She gave a bow and raised down the hallway.

Midway through, she whispered furiously into her communicator. "Commander, we need to act now. I think Hermione's in big trouble."  

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