Chapter 7.2

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Bright lights assaulted James' senses as he stepped inside the castle. Squinting his chocolate brown eyes, he caught sight of a grand marble staircase in front of him. He and the other first years students seemed to be at the main foyer of the castle, with the gigantic oaken doors closing quietly behind. Candles hung on chandeliers illuminated the place in soft light. The high walls were filled with moving portraits whose figures regarded the first years with curiosity. Suits of armour and different statues of witches and wizards stood tall and proud against the stone walls.

Hagrid led the way up the marble staircase and in front of another set of large doors. An elderly witch was waiting outside. She was wearing deep purple robes and a pointy black hat. Her dark brown hair was tied in a neat bun at the nape of her neck and her cat-like eyes swept over the group. Hagrid tipped his head in polite acknowledgement. "Professor McGonagall, the first years."

Professor McGonagall nodded her head at Hagrid and glanced at the group once again. 'They always look so young' she thought, as she saw the anticipation and wonder on their faces. Clearing her throat, she surveyed the group and spoke. "I am Professor McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress and Transfiguration Professor of Hogwarts," she said in a clear voice. "Behind these doors is the Great Hall where you will be Sorted into your respective Houses. There are four Houses: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor. Your House will be like your family. Your successes will earn you points, while any rule breaking and mischief will cause you to lose points. The House with the most points by the end of the year will win the House Cup. Now, follow me." 

The large doors opened and Professor McGonagall led the first years inside the Great Hall with Hagrid following at the rear. James couldn't help it as his eyes widened and his jaws dropped in surprise and awe at its splendor. Four long tables lined the length of the Great Hall with a pathway down the middle. Students years two and up were already seated in their respective House tables and surveyed the group with interest. At the far end of the hall was another table, this one occupied by professors. A large, stained glass window depicting a portrait of the four Founders dominated that wall. But what James couldn't tear his eyes away from was the ceiling. Or rather, what should be the ceiling. Since in place of any solid barrier, James saw treetops extending to the night sky. Branches of the conifers reached high and cradled the stars and bright moon against their leaves. It was as if the Great Hall was in the middle of a forest clearing. 

"The ceiling is enchanted," Teddy whispered from his right, breaking James out of his reverie. He mutely nodded his head and continued to gaze at the stars in awe.

"I hope we get Sorted into the same House," Nate whispered from behind. This made James pause when he realized that he may not be the in same House as his newfound friends.

"Who decides what House we go to?" James asked.

"Not who, but what," Teddy said.

Before he could ask any other question, Professor McGonagall stopped at the head of their line and gestured for the first years to gather in front of her. Hagrid stepped around the first years and sat at his seat on the professor's table next to an empty spot. James' eyes travelled from Hagrid to the other professors in line until he reached the centre of the table where an older wizard with a long, white beard sat atop a golden chair. His blue eyes shone with interest through half-moon spectacles as he surveyed the group of first years. He was wearing velvet green robes and matching hat with his shining white hair spilling underneath. He looked ancient and wise and from his readings, James recognized him as Professor Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts.

A wooden stool was perched on the dais in front of the group. A brown leather hat which had seen better days sat on top of the stool. Professor McGonagall looked at the group once more and produced a scroll from the pocket of her robe. "When your name is called, please come up and the Sorting Hat will be placed on your head. Now -"

A loud bang interrupted the witch and all heads swerved to the left of the professor's table to where a door was pushed open. A tall figure emerged from the darkness and the hall interrupted in gasps and whispers.

James felt Nate's hand grab his shoulder and he looked behind to see Nate and Teddy glancing at the figure with wide eyes. In utter surprise, Nate whispered, "It's Uncle Harry!"

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