Chapter 10.3

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James, Nate, and Teddy quickly found their way to the north tower with the skillful navigation of Drew. He bid the younger boys goodbye and headed to the library to prep for Herbology.

The three entered the classroom and breathed a sigh of relief that Professor Potter wasn't yet in class. The layout of this classroom wasn't unlike that of the Transfiguration classroom. There were desks for three each set up on either side of the aisle. What differed though was the front of the room. The Transfiguration classroom had rows of chalkboard whilst the Defense class had a table in the middle with a tower of books to the side. The boys made their way to the only remaining desk at the very back corner of the classroom nearest the wall.

Immediately James could feel the buzz in the room. All of the first years were whispering to each other and casting glances to the door waiting in anticipation for the arrival of their new professor. They didn't have to wait long, since with only one minute into the class the classroom door opened and in came Professor Potter.

James could see that he had changed from his Quidditch robes that morning and into a more formal attire. He wore fitted black pants tucked into black boots and a crisp white top. He had on a dark red waistcoat over his shirt and had brushed his hair to the side. James could now see that infamous lightning bolt scar maring his forehead. Perched on his nose were dark rimmed glasses and his black cloak flowed from his shoulders as he walked down the middle aisle. James thought he looked very much like an expert duelist he had seen in textbooks.

All eyes followed his movements until he stopped in front of the desk and turned to face the class. Harry took a moment to look around the room. All students were present, it seemed, since there were no empty seats in his class. His class. He still couldn't quite believe that he's a professor now and what he had signed up for was finally dawning on him as he looked at the eager faces of the first years looking at him with anticipation.

"Welcome to Defence Against the Dark Arts," he began. "In this class you will learn how to defend yourselves against dark creatures, dark charms, and the Dark Arts... if I don't budge up." He said with a smile. He was rewarded by scattered laughter across the room. "I'll be honest with you - this is my first time teaching. Some might say I taught before because of the DA in my fifth year but... that was in my fifth year. I was a bloody student and had no idea what I was doing!" More outright laughter and giggles flowed through the room.

"My goal for this class is to teach you what I wish I had known whilst I was in school. A lot of... things happened while I was here at Hogwarts and quite frankly I would not be here if not for the help of my best friends," he said. The room quieted for they knew what he was talking about. "I was unprepared for many things while I was a student and my wish is for you to be the exact opposite. I want you to be able to recognize dark magic, defend yourself against dark magic, and, if it's absolutely necessary, dispel that dark magic." The intensity in his emerald eyes shone and James could almost hear a pin drop in the room for it grew so quiet. 

"Can anyone tell me what is the most important thing you need to defend yourself against the dark?" Harry asked. He waited for a moment and saw only one hand raised at the far corner of the classroom. "Mr. Watson."

James expelled the breath he was holding and stood up to address the professor. "Your wand, sir."

Harry nodded. "That's right," he said. A tick went by and he added, "Do you know what exactly a wand is and what it does?"

James' brows furrowed as he thought carefully about his answer. "A wand... is a tool that is meant to channel one's magic. All witches and wizards have magic in them, but only the very powerful ones can perform wandless magic. A wand makes spellcasting easier since it gathers your magic to a single point."

Harry smiled and nodded. "That's exactly right. Five points to Gryffindor!" James beamed before sitting back down, his elation evident on his face. Nate and Teddy gave him congratulatory nudges before they all turned their attention back to the professor.

Harry was walking across the front when he pulled out his wand and held it up in between two fingers to show to the class. "This is my wand. Like Mr. Watson said, it allows me to channel all of my magic into this single point so that I can cast spells and enchantments. Since a wand is so important to a witch or wizard, they are usually made with substances that reflect the personality of their user. That is why wands are hardly ever shared. A wand becomes an extension of you; it becomes a part of you." He paused for a moment to look at the bright young faces watching him eagerly. "That is why it is essential to know what your own wand is made of. You need to understand this part of you."

"Undoubtedly the most important piece of your wand is its core. Wand cores are made of magical substances, substances which are mostly from magical creatures. Can anybody name some wand cores?" Harry asked. At his question, multiple hands raised from the group of first years.

"Go on, Mr. Snyde."

A tall, rather broad-shouldered boy with dark black hair and a pointy nose rose from his seat. "Unicorn hair," he said.

"That's right. Unicorn hair is one of the most commonly used cores and produces wands with the most consistent magic. Anyone else?"

Multiple hands raised and Harry called on students one by one. He provided an explanation of the cores after they gave their answers.

"Phoenix feather," Nate answered.

"Dragon heartstring."

"Kneazle whiskers."

"Thunderbird feather."

"Basilisk horn," Teddy said.

Harry nodded his head and commented that there was only one known case of this core being used and that was in Salazar Slytherin's wand. "Anyone else?" He asked the first years.

James hand slowly raised to answer. He had kept his hand down before during the discussion since he expected one of his classmates would call out his wand core, but no one did. Harry glanced at his corner of the room and called his name. Standing, James said, "Hippogriff wingfeather."

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