Chapter 15.10

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Later that afternoon, Ron Weasley returned to the Weasley-Lovegood household to find peace of mind. Harry joined him and Remus after lunch and after speaking with James; his best friend's face was even more stoic than before. He was given thanks by Remus for assisting in their interviews, and told to return home with promises that he would be alerted of any breaks in the case. The two Gryphons apparated back to the Ministry while Ron apparated back home.

He tiptoed through the grand manor silently. It was time for the kids' naps and he didn't want to wake any of them. All he wanted was his wife's loving embrace as he told her about the situation that drew him from his house earlier that morning. When he received Remus' urgent floo message that he needed to go to an address immediately since Harry needed him, he didn't ask any questions. He only kissed Luna goodbye with promises to return as soon as he could. He wasn't expecting the why behind Remus' call, and the werewolf's debrief before he entered the house that morning stunned him.

Ron made his way to the master bedroom and saw his lovely wife sitting by the window reading a book. It was Hogwarts, A History, Ron noted, as he made his way forward. He wordlessly took her in his arms and just embraced her.

"Hello, love," Luna said with a smile, and she turned his head to kiss him on the lips. "Was everything okay? How was Harry?"

At her question, Ron buried his face into the waterfall of blonde hair and squeezed her tighter.

"Ah, so not everything is okay then," she said, her voice like a faerie's, soft and musical.

"No," Ron breathed. "Everything is not okay," he said.

She led him to the bed and sat with him against the headboard. She curled up in his arms and he rested his chin atop her head. "Tell me what happened," Luna said softly.

So he did. Ron started from the moment he got to the house. He told her what Remus told him about the case, about who was abducted, and what they had found out about Harry's son. Ron told Luna how he refused to believe Remus until he saw Harry himself, looking so pale and lost and so angry, with the proof of a picture clutched in his hands. Ron recounted the day to her; told her about meeting Rose, about Ollivander, Minerva, and Hogwarts. He told her how their son was best friends with his best friends' son and the incredulity of it all.

Luna listened like how she always listened. She didn't say a word as Ron recounted his morning, only nodding her head in understanding while she stroked his chest.

He expelled a staggering breath and asked a question that had been in his mind since earlier that day. He didn't want to voice it since he knew he shouldn't be making comparisons, but it couldn't be helped. He was in the same circumstance as Harry all those years ago but look at where they were now. He was happy with his family around him while Harry was devastated that his family had been kept from him for all these years.

"How could she just leave him, Luna? I just... I don't understand; I can't understand. We found out we were pregnant when you were barely seventeen and I had just turned eighteen. I was so scared of telling anyone, but we made it through together. My parents were angry at first, and the whole damn world seemed to be in our business too," he said fiercely, his face filled with so much confusion. "The gossip, the threats, the whispers... they stopped eventually. Why did Hermione leave? How could she just leave him?"

Luna burrowed her head into his chest and squeezed him tight around the waist.

"Love, you're not Harry Potter."

Four simple words which, even just a year ago, would have stirred some jealousy in Ron's chest.

Not this time, though.

No other words were necessary for Ron now understood exactly what Luna meant.

Bearing the name Harry Potter was like bearing a cross filled with expectations.

He wasn't Harry Potter and for that he was eternally grateful.


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