Chapter 15.8

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They waited in Harry's bedchambers at the lower level of Hogwarts to interview the boys. The door opened and Albus Dumbledore came into the room with Nate Weasley and Teddy Lupin tailing behind him.

"Dad!" They said simultaneously and rushed forward past Professor Dumbledore to hug their fathers who stood beside Harry. He was silent as he watched his godsons in his friends' embrace, something akin to jealousy and longing building in his chest. He closed his eyes to stamp down the dreadful feeling.

"Gentlemen, I will take my leave," Professor Dumbledore said softly. There was understanding and sadness in those blue eyes of his. With one more knowing look to the group, he turned to leave and shut the door behind him.

Teddy extracted himself from Remus' embrace. "Dad, Uncles, are you here because of James' mum?" He asked softly.

Remus looked at Harry who was still just standing silently and wiped away at a stray piece of hair from Teddy's forehead. "Yes we are, son. We need to ask you some questions about Ms. Watson so we can find her. Would that be okay?" He asked as he looked at Teddy and Nate.

Nate let go of Ron and nodded his head. "We'll do anything to help you find Ms. Watson, Uncle Remus. James is our best friend and she's... she's so nice."

Remus smiled softly. "Well, let's start with that. Why do you say she's nice? Have you spoken to her a lot?"

"James told us about the mirror when we had the Quidditch tryouts last month," Nate recalled. "And he introduced us to his mum. We would speak to her sometimes when her and James are talking at night and if we ask her really nicely she would sometimes help us with homework. Do you remember that potions essay I wrote to you about, dad? The one I got a good mark on?" Ron nodded his head with a small smile on his lips. "Ms. Watson helped with that! She's really, really great."

Ron ruffled Nate's hair. "That's good to hear, bud."

"Did Ms. Watson ever tell you about what her job was? What she does for a living?" Remus asked.

Teddy pursed his lips. "No, but James did. I asked him why he liked to read so much and he said he got it from his mum. She's a researcher, he said, so she reads all the time. He said their house was like a library!"

Remus smiled again. "That's right, it was. Did he or Ms. Watson tell you two about her latest project?"

Nate shook his head negative. "No, I don't remember hearing anything about it," he said with a frown on his face. Teddy agreed. Nate's eyes turned worried when he looked at his dad and Uncles again. "Will she be alright? She has to be alright. James... James can't lose his mum too." He said solemnly.

Another stab. Harry could feel his control deteriorating fast.

"We are doing our best," Remus answered, and squeezed Nate's shoulder tightly. "It's our job to help people like Ms. Watson. We're working very hard on this boys, I promise."

Nate and Teddy nodded, appeased by his answer but concern still evident on their faces.

"Why don't we get some lunch before we leave for London?" Ron suggested. "I haven't had a Hogwarts meal in a long time!" He said enthusiastically. Ron's gaze shifted to Harry, and one look told him that his best friend was close to the edge. "I think your godfather needs some time to get some items sorted out in his office before we leave again."  

"Actually," Harry began, his voice hoarse. "Do you know where James is? I need to speak with him for a little while."

Teddy's eyes turned sad when he nodded his head. "He's at the Quidditch field, Uncle Harry. He's been wanting to be alone and didn't want to speak to anyone."    

Harry nodded his head. "Thank you," he said and turned to leave his office.

He walked through the halls with purpose. The heels of his boots clicked against the marble and his cloak billowed behind him. He passed many students who greeted him and he simply gave a tilt of his head in response. His face was tight with the emotions he had willed himself to keep hidden all throughout that morning. He needed to see James. He needed to see his son.

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