Chapter 7.4

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While everyone else was marvelling at the new professor, James could not tear his eyes away from what he was carrying. For there in Harry Potter's right hand was the broom James had seen in Diagon Alley - the Stormbreaker 360. It was even more magnificent outside of its glass case and James wanted so much to hold it. His eyes traced the broom from its neatly trimmed bristles, to the polished wooden stem, and finally to the man whose strong hand was clasped around it. James noted that Harry Potter was an imposing figure. He was dressed in the Auror uniform which he had only seen in the "light reading" books his mum had bought him. He had on black leather boots laced to just past his ankles with the legs of his slim black pants tucked underneath. He wore a fitted double breasted jacket of pure black except for the embroidered gold stitching on the neckline, lapels, and cuffs. The buttons were solid gold embossed with an image he couldn't quite see from the distance. The jacket's collar was high and extended to a sharp jaw, pursed mouth, chiseled nose, and the greenest eyes James had ever seen behind metallic black frames.

If James was asked to describe Harry Potter using only one word, he would describe him as strong. Harry Potter held himself confidently as he surveyed the hall. The man was tall and lean yet James could glimpse the swell of his muscles as he transferred the broom to his other hand. The green eyes swept over the hall with intent as if studying each and every person they passed. He was hardly moving, but James could see the tension in his body as if like a cobra waiting to strike. Harry Potter's green eyes finally met his brown orbs and they held gazes for a minute before James broke away. Well, the man's certainly not afraid of eye contact.

Harry Potter was definitely an impressive looking figure, but James could not understand why everyone was so shocked by his appearance.

Leaning close to Nate and Teddy, he whispered into their ears, "Is he famous or something?" 


All eyes turned to the three boys and the redhead immediately clamped his hands over his mouth. Nate's face began to flame as red as his hair and he wished the ground would open and swallow him up. His embarrassment only deepened as Dumbledore's laughter filtered through the hall.

"Thank you for that, Mr. Weasley," Dumbledore said with eyes twinkling. "I think we've delayed the Sorting just about enough. Professor Potter, I welcome you once again and please take a seat and make yourself comfortable." Harry gave a nod of his head before setting his broom aside and taking a seat next to a very joyful Hagrid. "Professor McGonagall, kindly resume the Sorting." 

Minerva McGonagall, who had been silent the entire time though her head was in turmoil, gave a stiff nod of acknowledgement to Dumbledore. Quickly passing her eyes through Harry Potter, she faced the first years again and cleared her throat. Unrolling her parchment, she recited the first name on the list and began the Sorting.

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