up, down, one

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you woke up with a hand against your cheek and were laying down on the couch.

"she's awake!" noya yelled and jumped up.

you sat up to see iwaizumi sitting on the floor and the hand on your face belonging to him. "wait wait wait." you said and stared at the guys who were sitting around the table. "you guys were playing uno without me?"

"wanna play?" atsumu asked. "you can sit in my lap." iwaizumi glared at him while you shook your head.

"i'm good." you slid off the couch and sat next to iwaizumi. you rested your head on his shoulder to see his cards.

"this might be easier for you." he whispered and moved one of his legs to the other side of your body. his arms slid under your arms so you could now see his cards.

you were sitting between his legs and his arms were wrapped around you waist. you leaned into his chest and rested your head above his heart.

"iwa, you're heartbeat is awfully fast." you said and placed your hand there.

iwaizumi grabbed your hand and moved it away. "you're the cause of it." he said and rested his chin on your shoulder. he didn't even realize what he had said until it came out.

then he buried his head in the crook of your neck, not wanting anyone to see his blush.

"am I making you flustered?" you teased and turned your head to look at him.

"oh shut up." he said and you placed a card down for him.

your vision was suddenly covered by two ten dollar bills. "what?" you pushed the hands down and stared at the two people looking at you.

"ten dollars for an autograph." mattsun said and held out a piece of paper.

"could you sign my abs?" makki asked and iwaizumi lifted his head up, raised an eyebrow at his teammate.

"sure." you grabbed the sharpie that makki held out to you and signed your sign onto his abs. you quickly signed the paper for mattsun and took the money.

"how much does a tattoo hurt?" makki asked and pulled his shirt back down.

"get a stick and poke or something." mattsun suggested. "or just rewrite it everyday."

"but this is the original y/n print." makki said.

"or you could keep paying my ten dollars everyday." you offered.

"i would have a get a job.." makki thought out loud. iwaizumi shook his head and tried to pay attention to the game.

except he couldn't

he found himself looking down at you every two seconds. your presence was just a distraction to him, but he didn't mind it.

he wasn't sure what he was thinking when he pulled you on his lap while you were sleeping or now with you sitting between his legs.

you were so close to him. he could simply just lift you head up and kiss you. but he didn't.

it's too early for that

you were talking to mattsun and makki while playing with iwaizumi's hoodie strings. they were exactly what they were like in the group chat and your comment section.

so was everyone else

kenma was in the corner with to the window on his phone.

tendou was the same tendou you saw everyday

atsumu was trying to get your attention and was getting along quite well with oikawa

noya and bokuto were just energetic

konoha was telling everyone weird facts and weird stories

iwaizumi is just perfect

the uno game had ended, noya winning the game somehow. you felt iwaizumi sit up a little bit so you got your back off his chest.

he placed his hands on your arms and pulled you back down. "wanna play a game?" oikawa asked.

"that you're suggesting? no." iwaizumi answered.

"oh well. bokuto and iwa-chan probably have the modt muscles here. so you two do push-ups to see who gives in first." oikawa explained.

"that doesn't sound so bad." you said and iwaizumi.

"it's oikawa. he always has some other trick pulled up his sleeve."

"but the only thing is they have to have someone sitting on their back. and then more people can get on after." oikawa said.

"what's going on in his brain?" tendou whispered.

"that's sounds like fun!" bokuto said and stood up.

"iwa-chan?" everyone turned to look at him.




"you can have y/n sit on you." oikawa said.

"dont word it like that shittykawa." iwaizumi said. "but alright, fine."

"then it's settled. iwa-chan and y/n and then bokuto and." bokuto chose noya since he was the shortest. "nishinoya."

iwaizumi sighed, already regretting his decision. he placed his hands and feet on the floor. "get on."

"iwa, you're literally gonna collapse if i sit on you." you stated blankly.

"i don't care, get on."

"whatever you say." you said and sat on his back. iwaizumi didn't even drop on inch. he stayed in the same position.

"you should make it sound like the pacer test, but the push up ones." atsumu suggested.

"up, down, one." konoha said and iwaizumi ben his elbows so his chest was almost touching the floor. then he went back up.

oh this was gonna be interesting

idk how money in japan work so um i'm just using american money bc thats all i know-
ew i literally had no inspiration w this chapter but hopefully the next ones are better and yeah
it's four in the morning and i can't sleep
send help

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