Professional Courtesy

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Chapter Two


"Am I allowed to kill Mills?" Scout asked as she leaned her head against her window as he road passenger seat while Shay drove the ambulance, leaving Gaby in the back as they headed towards the scene of the accident. "We had two hours left and he had to jinx us. I mean, who does that?"

"He's new. Give him a break," Gaby chuckled at the other woman's frustration.

"Eh, I'm onboard for the killing," Shay muttered in annoyance. "I was having the best nap."

"You and me both," Scout managed to get through a yawn.

"And you'll both be able to sleep again in two hours," Gaby assured them.

"Speak for yourself," Scout scoffed. "I've got two little ones to handle, remember?"

"Sucks for you!" Shay smirked as she pulled up to the scene of the car accident. The three women didn't hesitate to jump out of the ambulance-- Shay and Gaby rushing towards the turned over van with most of the crew while Scout followed Matt towards the second car.

"Stabilize the van!" Matt shouted to the other men.

"It's jammed," the officer by the other car alerted them as he stepped back from the car.

"Damn," Scout released a low whistle as the sight of the smashed in front of the car. "Someone's gonna have a big bill."

"I'm okay. I'm all right." The driver insisted once Matt had the door open, allowing him to get out. At the sound of his voice Scout's head snapped up, her eyes widening at the sight of the young man.

"Fuck," she swore under her breath at the sight of his familiar face-- not failing to notice the heavy stench of beer on his breath.

"Field test this idiot," Matt shoved the guy towards the officer while he and Scout glanced inside the car. Sure enough they found themselves coming face to face with the empty cans of a six-pack in the passenger's seat.

"Open containers right there." Scout pointed out to the officer.

"I'll take care of it." The officer promised them. Scout hesitated for a moment before allowing Matt to lead her towards the van, knots forming in her stomach as she spared one last glance over her shoulder at the officer and driver.

"She's going! She's going!" Herrmann shouted as the van started to teeter on the edge of the overpass. Matt and Scout both picked up their pace, grabbing ahold of the front of the van to try and weigh it down just as Squad showed up.

"Stabilizers!" Severide shouted to his men as he rushed over to help.

"Sir, I need you to sit tight for me, all right?" Scout asked the man in the driver's seat as the men worked quickly around her to try and stabilize the van.

"Is he all right? My son?" The man asked, unable to turn his head to look at the teenager hanging upside down beside him. At the father's question Scout carefully reached her arm through the broken widow to press her fingers against the teen's throat for any sign of life. The whole time silently praying she wouldn't have to break any sad news to the boy's father. "He's not saying anything."

"He's alive," Scout released a small breath of relief when she finally found the boy's slightly weakened pulse.

"Oh, thank God," the man cried in relief while Shay radioed for a second ambulance. All the three women could do was stand back as the guys started to take out the windshield to pull the father and son from there, unable to get the doors open.

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