Two Families

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Chapter Six


"Look at you," Gaby gave a low whistle as she and Scout watched Peter chop up onions in preparation for their Thanksgiving dinner. 

"Restaurant tricks," Peter smirked as he kept working.

"Impressive," Gaby nodded in approval.

"As long as no blood ends up in the food I'm good," Scout shrugged as she grabbed an apple out of a bag on the counter.

"Hey, those are for pie," Gaby reminded her.

"A pie that I'm baking." Scout countered before taking a large bite from it. 

"Mills, hold your arm up." Mouch called out from where he and Cruz were watching the parade on the couch. Peter's brows furrowed, not having been paying attention to their conversation, but raised his arm regardless. "Now keep it there for five hours. That's what being in the parade is like."

"Mills, the shriners-- they throw out candy-- you clean up, man," Cruz insisted-- loving it whenever he had the chance to walk in the Thanksgiving Day Parade. 

"Now, listen, I know you guys are gonna give me crap for this," Otis acknowledged.

"Go on." Herrmann and Scout both nodded, not bothering to argue with his statement since they were the two in the house that usually jumped at the chance to tease the man. 

"I want to start a podcast," Otis shared.

"What the hell's that?" Herrmann frowned. 

"Well, when I record myself being equal parts charming and brilliant, and then I put it up on iTunes, and people subscribe, and they follow me." Otis tried to explain for the older man.

"And who're you having pretend to be you to come off as charming and brilliant?" Scout questioned.

"A mute would be better at that than you," Herrmann scoffed.

"Funny," Otis rolled his eyes at their comments. "It's gonna be "A Day in the Life of a Chicago Firefighter" sort of thing."

"We have a slow day, and you're just gonna reinforce the stereotype that all we do is sit around and eat?" Mouch questioned as he popped a chip into his mouth.

"You got a problem with it, Lieutenant?" Otis turned his attention to Matt. 

"Go for it," Matt shrugged.

"I promise, I'll be your first subscriber." Scout promised the man, earning a surprised smile in return. "Though I cannot promise that I won't poke fun at you in the comments."

"You're kids are gonna turn out to be cyber bullies. I'm calling it now," Otis shook his head, earning a bird from the woman in return.

"Drug tester's on his way," Boden alerted the crew as he joined them in the kitchen-- everyone having to be tested after being exposed to a meth lab on a call to a daycare center that morning. "And again, this is mandatory."

"Hey, Chief, there's a kid outside looking for you." Capp alerted him before he could disappear back to his office. 

"Hey, is your mother-in-law bringing the kids over for dinner tonight?" Peter asked Scout as everyone went back to their own conversations. 

"Not her mother-in-law," Gaby chimed in before Scout could correct him herself.

"She's right," Scout nodded in agreement with her friend's input. "Isaac and I were never married, therefore Carly isn't my mother-in-law. May that be something to be thankful for in itself."

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