It Ain't Easy

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A/N: I loved Vargas and they did him dirty...

Chapter Eight


"Vargas, can you hear me?" Scout tried to get the man to focus on her as Shay worked on cutting off his shirt. She could feel her own heart aching at the sight of her friend laying on her stretcher as he gasped for air. "Try to take nice slow breaths for me, Jose."

"We're gonna get you to the hospital in no time, okay?" Gaby promised as she slipped the oxygen mask over his head to help him get air. "Just hang in there for us. You guys ready?"

"Let's go!" Scout didn't want to waste any time as the guys helped them load Jose into the back of the ambulance while Shay rushed around to the driver's seat. The moment the ambulance doors were closed they were off, the sirens blasting as Shay rushed them towards the nearest hospital.

"Just keep breathing, Jose," Scout squeezed the man's hand as Gaby took the lead, knowing that Scout was closer with the man than she was.

Jose's eyes were wide open as he looked around the ambulance. His shock not allowing him to focus on anything for long. But he kept found himself glancing back at Scout, able to see the worry shining clear as day in her dark orbs. His grip on her hand tightened as he continued to struggle to get air to his lungs.


"Morning." Boden greeted the team the next morning, all of them gathered in the conference room to hear the update on Jose. "I know you're all concerned about what happened to Vargas on the last shift. Hospital has treated him and released him. He's resting up. But he is not out of the woods. Hazmat has confirmed magnesium shavings were in the bin at the machine shop, which you all know is reactive with water."

"Magnesium inhalation," Herrmann shook his head at the news. His gaze shifted to where Scout sat beside him, giving her knee a small squeeze as she stared at the floor.

"He's got burns on his lungs and an upper respiratory tract infection," Boden clarified.

"So when can we see him? When'll he be able to come back?" Scout asked, well aware of how important work was to her friend.

"We won't know until we get the test results," Boden shook his head. "But, look, he's gonna be fine no matter what happens. Okay?"

"Okay no matter what?" Scout scoffed once Boden left, dragging Severide out with him. "Try telling Jose that if he can't come back to work. He lives for this damn job."

"Hey, it'll be okay," Herrmann tried to tell her. "No matter what the tests say we'll have his back. Right?"

"Right," Scout nodded in agreement.


"Live and in person, Jose Vargas." Otis announced over the intercom after the group got back from the scene of an attempted robbery. A large smile filled Scout's lips at the sight of her friend, causing her to drop her bag and run towards him before any of the others had a chance.

"It's so good to see you!" She grinned as she wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

"Good to see you too," Jose chuckled, not hesitating to return her hug with one of his own.

"Good to see you, buddy." Matt sported a smile of his own as he joined them, quickly pulling the other man into a hug the moment Scout stepped aside.

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