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Chapter Thirty


"One piping hot cup of liquid waste." Scout announced as she set a travel cup of coffee down on Antonio's desk, having offered to bring him some since he'd been called in early to a crime scene with Voight.

"Better than your sugar crap," Antonio countered as he took a sip of the drink. The woman only offered him a raised middle finger in return as she set her own coffee and bag down on her desk. Rather than sitting down though she rummaged through her bag until she found the folded piece of paper she'd been tasked with delivering that morning.

"You speak Italian?" She heard Jay ask Olinsky as he skimmed through a book he'd found on the older detective's desk. "Where'd you pick it up?"

"I was stationed in Vicenza," Olinsky shared as he took off his jacket.

"You served?" Jay looked surprised, not having known that detail of his colleague's life.

"Yeah, ABCT, part of a rapid response team," Olinsky nodded as Jin made his way around the bullpen, dropping off files on everyone's desk. "It's about an hour away from everyone. You?"

"Rangers-- Afghanistan," Jay shared.

"Well, that explains a lot," Olinsky commented.

"Più di quanto potresti sapere." Scout hummed, her words causing the older man's lips to twitch upwards just the slightest while Jay looked between the pair in confusion.

"Since when do you speak Italian?" Jay questioned his ex.

"Just because we used to sleep together doesn't mean you got my life story, Halstead." A smirk filled the woman's lips as she held out the folded piece of paper to him. "For you."

She hovered around his desk, watching as he unfolded the paper to reveal the drawing DJ had made for him the night before. It wasn't nothing too fancy due to the little boy's limitations. Just a simple drawing of what both adults assumed was supposed to be Jay in a soldier's uniform and a small pirate beside him.

"DJ?" Jay guessed, a small smile filling his lips at the drawing.

"Insisted on making you something when he realized we were working together," Scout nodded.

"Oh, my God." The three detectives' ears perked up at Erin's words. All three of them quickly turning their attention to the case files that had been left on their desk. A frown filled Scout's lips when she opened hers to find the pictures of the victims inside. All young women that had been raped and killed, each of them missing an ear. "These poor girls."

"Media's calling him the Riverwalk Killer," Voight shared with the team as he and Antonio stood in front of the whiteboard. The board filled with pictures of both crime scenes there in Chicago, as well as those from the crime scenes in New York. "Mayor's flipping out on the superintendent, who's flipping out on the chief. None of that matters to me. Two young women are dead and were put through something so horrific... It ain't gonna happen again."

"There's no witnesses. Area central searched every crime scene and came up blank on physical evidence," Antonio spoke up.

"Pods?" Adam asked.

"Zero," Antonio shook his head.

"Detectives from Special Victims Unit in New York are en route right now to help out," Voight alerted the team.

"They also had two victims killed in their city two days apart, and traffic cameras picked up a male, white, five foot ten wearing a hoodie following both victims, but they couldn't get a clear visual on his face." Erin noted as she skimmed through that part of the file.

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