My Way

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Chapter Thirty-Six


"I said I wanted a German Shepherd!" DJ groaned as he watched his mother attempt to draw said dog on his cast. Though apparently the drawing didn't live up to the boy's standards as he scowled down at it.

"I'm trying my best, baby. But you gotta remember that Mommy's better at making a mess than drawing pretty pictures." Scout reminded the boy, having never been particularly artistic.

"Never ask her to draw you a monkey," Matt warned his nephew from where he was playing on the floor with Maclean. "You'll have nightmares for a week."

"Nice to know that the curtsey period of being nice to your hurt sister has run out." Scout scoffed at her brother's words as she put the cap back on her marker, giving up on the drawing. 

"Its been three weeks," Matt reminded her. "You can see again and you were cleared to go back to work. How much sympathy were you hoping for?"

"I'm just happy that I get my," Scout covered DJ's ears for a moment, "g-u-n-s back today. Its been weird not having them here. I still can't believe you actually took them before I was released."

"Antonio took them. I just helped him figure out the password to your safe," Matt corrected her. "And you had it coming. You were in the hospital for three days and managed to threaten twelve people."

"Does it really count when they're basically family?" She challenged. 

"You've had Otis afraid to come check up on you for three weeks," Matt pointed out. "What did he even do to make you threaten him?"

"It's Otis," Scout shrugged, as if that were enough of a reason. 

"Knock knock." Antonio called out as he let himself inside. 

"Toni!" Maclean grinned as he stumbled towards the Dawson man. 

"Hey, little man!" Antonio grinned as he picked the boy up. "You been keeping an eye on your mom for me?"

"If that includes him pulling my hair, you betcha." Scout flashed her partner a smile. "Did you bring my other babies?"

"They're waiting in my desk," Antonio assured her. "You sure you're ready to come back? We all know your ribs are still healing and Voight said you could take another week--"

"Nope. My ribs are fine. I'm going," Scout cut him off with a shake of her head before turning towards her brother. "You're still good to watch them today?"

"Yeah," Matt nodded. "I'm hoping they'll help Gaby take her mind off of her test. She's freaking out about re-taking it."

"That sounds like her," Antonio chuckled.

"Just make sure that DJ keeps his cast dry and takes his medicine at noon," Scout reminded the firefighter. "And maybe see if you can fix the dog?"

"I'll try," Matt promised. "Just make sure you don't wind up back in the hospital, huh?"

"Sorry, can't hear you." Scout gave both of the boys a kiss on the cheek before rushing out the door with her jacket and purse in hand. "Bye!"

"You'll make sure she doesn't do anything stupid?" Matt looked to Antonio for reassurance.

"Don't even need to ask," Antonio handed Maclean over before following after the eager woman. 

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