8:30 PM

1.7K 44 3

Chapter Thirty-Five


"First bomb detonated eight a.m. in the dot. Second bomb located in a rental car. Car is still there." Boden briefed the Intelligence team once Sumner, Jin, Olinsky, and Adam had arrived on the scene.

"Who dismantled the bomb?" Jay asked.

"We did," Boden spoke as though it were obvious, not having wanted to wait around for the bomb squad.

"Check it out. If they got anything, I want to be notified first," Voight told Jin before the man slipped off to get to work. Heading in the direction of the parking garage to get a look at the second bomb.

"How many dead?" Erin questioned.

"Eighteen dead..." Boden frowned at the number, anything more than zero being too many for his liking. "Fifteen in critical condition, three employees unaccounted for. The sign-ups for the charity race had just started before the bomb detonated. We have more civilians buried beneath the rubble, but there's no real way of knowing right now."

"FBI special agent in charge wants all the bosses in the command canter," Adam alerted Voight as he joined the group, having been talking with some of the first officers on the scene.

"All right, everybody inside," Voight nodded to his team. No one needed to be told anything else before they all made their way into the hospital to find any information they could from anybody that was able to give them something. All of them determined to catch the people that had done this.

"Voight," Boden stopped the sergeant before he could head inside as well. The fire chief's gaze flickered towards Antonio's back as the detective disappeared inside the building with his colleagues. As if making sure the Dawson man was out of earshot before he spoke again. "I didn't want to say anything in front of them. I know they need to have their head in the game to catch these guys."

"What is it?" Voight's brows furrowed slightly at the other man's words.

"Scout was caught in the blast," Boden informed him. While Voight's face managed to stay impassive, Boden didn't miss the way the other man's body tensed at the news of his detective's involvement with the case. He hadn't known about her being there for the race, having just known that she'd taken the day off-- using a day of furlough.

"How is she?" Voight questioned.

"I'm not sure," Boden admitted. "My guys were able to pull her out of the rubble fairly early. Last I heard she was awake and talking, was supposed to be getting some tests done to make sure she was okay."


"Both males enter a white four-door Sedan and head out the southeast exit of the lot. And we have security video?" Olinsky asked after sharing the information he'd gotten from the guy he had interviewed-- the team having gathered in an empty conference room to share their findings.

"The security office was in the impact zone. Database is gone, as in gone gone." Antonio shot the idea of security footage down with a shake of his head.

"Second car with a bomb was rented out to some dirt-lot company in Milwaukee," Jay shared. "The name and the credit car on the rental agreement came back bogus. And there's no security video at the company, or so they're saying. So Milwaukee PD's heading there to investigate."

"Sumner, you dealt with all those antigovernment nutcases when you were working undercover at the NATO protests, am I right?" Voight turned his attention to the newest member of the team. "Beat the bushes."

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