Let Her Go

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Chapter Sixteen


The briefing room was quiet as every sat around together, Herrmann standing at the front of the room. A sense of grief hung over everyone, all of them still struggling to process what had happened at the fire they had been called in on during their last shift. The fire that had been set at the clinic Hallie had started working for on her days off from Lakeshore.

The fire that had killed her.

"We were scheduled to open our bar after next shift," Herrmann reminded everyone, his gaze lingering on the empty seat next to Shay and Gaby, where Scout usually sat during meetings. "And in light of what happened, we were gonna push it. But... Me and Dawson and Scout and Otis... we talked about it, and instead, we're gonna make it a celebration of Hallie's life. All the proceeds fro tonight will be donated in her name to Children's Memorial. Thanks."

No one said anything as Herrmann returned to his seat next to Otis in the back. Everyone very aware of the two people missing from the room. The same people that they had all seen break down into tears back at the hospital at the news that Hallie was dead. The woman that Matt had loved and Scout had come to see as another sister due to her relationship with her brother.

"Not an easy day," Boden stated the obvious as he took Herrmann's spot at the front of the room. "Not for any of us. Lieutenant Casey and Keltner are meeting with detectives from CPD. Arson investigators are at the clinic right now. All we can do for Matt and Scout is be there the best we can."


Silence filled Matt's truck as he and Scout sat in it together. Neither of them saying a word as they stared at the building across the street from them-- the 21st precinct. Neither of them wanted to be there. They wanted to wake up and be told that it was all some twisted nightmare that they'd both managed to share. But, sadly, they knew that wasn't the case.

"Let's go." Matt muttered under his breath before he opened his door. Scout quietly followed his lead, right by his side as they crossed the street and made their way into the precinct.

"Hey," Scout cleared her throat when they reached the front desk where an officer was filling out some paperwork.

"I'm Lieutenant Casey and this is my sister Scout. We're here to see Detective Dawson," Matt told the officer.

"We got a fireman in the house!" The officer called out, chuckles escaping his lips. "Look at him, well-rested and fed. Must be nice being a fireman, washing firetrucks--"

"Sarge, Sarge." A fair haired detective rushed over with wide eyes, easily recognizing Matt and Scout. Shaking her head as she tried to get the desk sergeant to shut his mouth. "The DOA from the clinic fire-- Lieutenant Casey was her boyfriend."

"Ah. That's my bad," the sergeant apologized.

"Maybe learn to think instead of blabbing off." Scout glared at the sergeant before turning her attention to the familiar detective standing in front of her. "Hey, Jules."

"Hey, Scout," Jules smiled as she hugged her friend before holding her hand out to Matt. "Detective Julie Willhite. Intelligence. I'll take you upstairs?"

"All right, yeah," Matt nodded, recognizing the name from stories Scout had told him about her time on patrol.

"I heard you might be joining us up here sometime soon." Jules raised a brow at Scout as she led the way upstairs to the Intelligence office.

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