The Docks

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Chapter Thirty-Seven


Scout's foot tapped incessantly against the tiled floor of Med's waiting room. Her hands clasped together between her legs as various thoughts ran through her head. She could feel her phone buzzing on and off in her pocket, but she made no move to check it. She already knew that Jay had called Gaby and their parents about Antonio being shot. She figured it was Matt and the rest of 51 texting and calling her for any updates or to ask how she was doing; but she didn't want to talk to any of them until she knew she could tell them, without a doubt, that Antonio was okay.

The rest of the team stood around the waiting room, all of them eagerly waiting for any news on Antonio. It had been hours since he had been brought in and they had yet to hear anything. But none of them were willing to leave until they knew that he was going to live.

"Hey," Erin cleared her throat as she sat down in the chair next to Scout. Remembering Jay's warning to the team about Scout's behavior in hospitals, she made no move to touch the other woman. The Keltner woman didn't so much as glance in her direction, her gaze focused on the floor while her tapping never ceased. "He's gonna be okay. All right?"

"I- I can't lose him," Scout's voice was soft-- far more vulnerable than the Lindsay woman had ever heard from her before. "He has Eva and Diego... Gaby and their parents..."

"I know, but you're not gonna lose him." Erin insisted as she caught sight of a doctor coming their way over Scout's shoulder. "Look."

"Mrs. Dawson?" The doctor guessed when Scout jumped up from her seat, making a beeline towards him.

"No. I'm his partner-- f-friend. He has me down as his emergency contact..." Scout stumbled over her words. "Is he gonna be all right?"

"We're gonna monitor him closely, but he may need a second surgery. He's not out of the woods yet." The doctor warned her.

"Can I see him?" Scout asked, desperate to see Antonio with her own eyes.

"Of course," the doctor nodded. Scout didn't hesitate to follow after the doctor as he headed down the hall, not another thought crossing her mind. Voight watched as she set off with the doctor before nodding for Jay and Erin to join him in following the pair. The five all made their way through the halls until the doctor brought them to a stop outside of Antonio's room. "Right here."

"Thanks," Scout managed to spit out as her eyes locked onto Antonio's pale figure lying in the hospital bed. Suddenly finding herself flashing back to the year before when he'd been shot in the hospital parking lot because of his Vice case. She slowly moved closer to his bedside, her hand seeming to have a mind of its own as it wrapped around one of Antonio's. As her thumb rubbed circles in the back of his hand she saw his eyes open slightly, his hand squeezing hers. "Antonio."

"Hey," Antonio's voice was raspy as he stared up at her.

"Hi," a sad smile filled Scout's lips as she used her free hand to smooth back his messy locks.

"Hey, big guy," Jay greeted his friend, causing Antonio to glance towards the other three there.

"Belden?" Antonio asked as his gaze settled on where Voight stood at the foot of his bed.

"Gone," Voight shook his head.

"Those guards?" Antonio asked.

"Both dead," Voight shook his head once more. Scout could feel Antonio's grip tighten around her hand slightly, causing her to do the same in return. Silently assuring him that she was there for him-- just like she had promised.

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