The Nuclear Option

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Chapter Forty-Five


"Remind me why I agreed to this?" Scout rested her forehead against the passenger side widow of Matt's truck as the blonde drove them through the Chicago streets. Bringing them closer and closer to the 'breakfast date' he'd set up for them with Christie and Violet. Plans that the Casey man had neglected to inform her about until he had shown up at her house that morning with Gaby in tow to watch the boys for them since Antonio was spending the day with Eva and Diego.

"As I recall, I had to drag your ass into my truck and put on the child safety lock." Matt reminded her.

"So I could consider this kidnapping?" The idea popped into her head, a grin forming on her lips.

"Which I'm sure would look great for your case," his words quickly wiped the grin from her face. "Look, she's our sister--"

"Your sister," she corrected him. "I'll claim you as my brother, but don't lump me in with that woman. I know you love her, Matt, but Christie's never liked me. We both know it."

"Maybe, but Violet loves you." He quickly pointed out as he pulled his truck into an empty spot in front of the diner they were all set to meet at. "So can you be civil with Christie for her? She keeps asking when she's gonna see her Aunt Scout and her cousins again. I'm starting to run out of things to tell her."

"You could convince Christie to let you have Violet over to your place so I could bring the boys over?" Scout suggested as Matt climbed out of his truck. Only the sound of his door closing answering her. She watched as he circled around to the front of the truck and opened her door for her. "Was the child lock really necessary?"

"You threatened to throw yourself out into moving traffic," Matt reminded her as they headed towards the entrance.

"Man can't take a joke," Scout muttered under her breath.

"Excuse me," Matt stopped a waitress once they got inside. "We're looking for our niece and her mother. The little girl's twelve-years-old--"

"Never mind," Scout cut him off when she caught sight of Violet sitting at a table on the other side of the diner.

"Hey," Matt grinned widely as they approached Violet, not hesitating to circle around the table to hug her. "There she is."

"Hey, girlie." Scout offered the young girl a smile, taking the opportunity to hug her once Matt had stepped back to take his seat.

"Hi, Uncle Matt, Aunt Scout. Thanks for coming," Violet smiled back at the adults.

"Where's your mom?" Matt asked, scanning around for any sign of his older sister. At the mention of her mother, Violet's eyes dropped to the table. "Violet, you said your mom was gonna be here. What's going on?"

"Hey," Scout ducked her head to meet the girl's gaze. "You're not in trouble, sweetie. Between you and me? I'm happy it's just you here."

"Scout," Matt shot his sister a warning look before turning his attention back to his niece. He reached across the table, pushing the girl's long locks back from her face to get her to look at him. As he did so though he caught sight of a fresh looking bruise at the corner of her eye. "Violet?"

"My mom doesn't know I'm here," Violet confessed.

"What happened to you?" Matt questioned.

"I had a fight at school. I can't tell Mom because I'm already in trouble." Violet filled the adults it as she slid a paper across to her uncle. "Can you sign it for me?"

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