Three Bells

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Chapter Fifty-Two


With her arms filled with several Tupperware containers, Scout made her way up the long drive of Firehouse 51. Her car keys dangling between her fingers as she silently prayed for them not to fall before she made it inside.

"Anyone feeling generous?" She called out as she slipped inside, glancing over the containers for any sign of her friends.

"Here, let me." Peter's familiar face appeared as he climbed out of the ambulance. Hurrying towards the struggling woman to relieve her of a few of the containers. "Do you not work anymore or something? When did you have the time to make all of this?"

"We've had a few early nights lately and Antonio's been using the time to see his kids and I let Carly have the boys for a couple of nights, so..." Scout trailed off as they headed towards the kitchen.

"How's that going?" Peter asked. "Gaby and Matt mentioned that you and Carly were able to settle things without court."

"It's different but we're making it work," Scout shrugged, not entirely sure what else she could say. It had only been a couple of weeks since she and Carly had settled things with their lawyers and Antonio present. And in that time both women had tried to put their best foot forward, leading to Scout agreeing to let DJ and Maclean stay with their grandmother for a couple of days.

"I can't believe it. What if we hadn't gotten called to that storage unit?" Herrmann questioned as they slipped through the doors. Everyone clearly in the middle of a discussion as Gaby and Severide stood in front of the others.

"We never would've known," Gaby shrugged.

"Never would've known what?" Scout's brows drew together. Her words causing the others to look towards her and Peter, not having noticed them come in. "What's going on, guys?"

"Gaby. Scout." A new voice spoke up before anyone could answer Scout's question. Both women turning around to be greeted by a familiar face-- Shay's sister.

"Megan," Gaby moved to hug the woman while Scout moved to set the containers in her hand down on the counter before going to do the same.

"It's good to see you," Scout whispered to the blonde before they broke apart.

"I got on the first plane," Megan directed her words towards Gaby.

"Guys, you remember Megan, Leslie's sister," Gaby glanced around at the guys as they took turns greeting her.

"Of course. Welcome back to Chicago," Matt hugged her.

"Really glad you could make it out," Severide told her.

"I can't believe this is really happening," Megan cleared her throat. Struggling to look anywhere in the house without seeing her sister there. "Arson?"

"Looking more and more like it," Severide nodded.

"Arson?" Scout repeated, her gaze shifting between Matt, Gaby, and Severide. "Someone mind telling me what the hell you're talking about?"

"Why don't we go talk in my office?" Matt wrapped an arm around his sister's shoulders, leading her out of the room.

"Matt, what is going on? Why are they talking about arson?" Scout questioned as they made their way into his office, Matt making sure to close the door behind them.

The Good and the BadHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin