Chapter 2: The Needle

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Percy POV

Annabeth Chase was one feisty girl. She told me off in the middle of the hallway, which only enhanced my interest in her, especially since she was a very attractive and naturally beautiful girl. Of course, I was not a predator, so I wasn't going to go after her if she wasn't interested. However, that didn't mean that I couldn't have fun and annoy her.

The rest of the school day was uneventful. The only time I enjoyed in school was when I was with my friends, and of course, when I was with a girl.

I sighed as I thought about Rachel. I truly felt bad about dumping her, but the truth was that she was getting too close to me. There was a reason that I dated girls for short time periods. 6 weeks actually broke the rule that I established for myself.

As much as I wanted the school to end, I also wasn't looking forward to my appointment.

"Hey bro, do you need me to give you a ride today?" asked Grover, my best friend.

"No, I think I'm good."

"Percy, you never know how you feel after one of your appointments. Sometimes, you're good and sometimes you're not."

Grover was an amazing best friend because he was always looking after me. He was also one of only four individuals that knew my secret. I trusted him very much, and he understood my situation and thus, accepted my playboy actions without judgment.

"I'm fine, Grover. It's the first one this month, so I'll be completely okay, but thank you."

"All right, be careful Percy. Call me if you need help rather than trying to go home yourself."

"Ok, okay. Thanks, mom," I said chuckling.

His face turned slightly red as he gave me a playful punch on the arm. It was very easy to embarrass Grover.

We saw Jason and Leo making their way over to my car, which effectively ended our current conversation. Jason was texting on his phone, which seemed to annoy Leo.

"Bro, all I'm saying is that you could spend more time with me," Leo whined.

"Is he jealous of Piper again?" I asked.

"Bro, I'm not jealous, but even you have to admit that Jason spends less time with us now. He even sits at their table from time to time," Leo said. He technically wasn't lying. However, Jason had the right to spend time with his girlfriend. Jason spent a good amount of time with us still, so Leo was just being dramatic.

"Yes, Leo is complaining again. Anyway, do you guys want to catch a movie right now with me, Piper, and Leo?" Jason asked.

"Sorry Bro, I have plans," I said coolly. They'd probably think that I was going out with a girl.

"Who?" Leo asked on cue with a sly smirk.

"No one. It's family plans," I said nonchalantly. Months of lying had perfected my acting skills.

"Bro, Piper told me that her friends (including my sister) pretty much hate you."

"A few more girls hating Percy, what a shock," Leo said sarcastically. Leo wasn't wrong. Hate from the female population came with the territory of being a player.

A Deal with a PlayerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora