Chapter 28: The Snow Storm

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Percy POV

Generally, people managed to avoid me after finding out about my cancer. Most of the kids in the school weren't the same with me, but Annabeth was right about my friends. Throughout the week, I explained my situation to my friends, and they were all so supportive. 

None of my friends treated me that differently, and I loved them for it. 

That was really all I needed from them. 

My walk to the cafeteria was interrupted when I heard crying from one of the dead-end hallways of Goode High. It was a girl, and I followed the sounds to make sure that she was okay.  

Rachel was crouched at the end of the hallway. Her knees were up to her chest, and she was crying into her arms. Her curly red hair enveloped her face and back. 

I didn't know what to think. I wasn't necessarily angry at her, but I was disappointed. 

Rachel may not like me, but she wasn't a bad person. Yet, Drew had said that Rachel was the one who told her my secret. Even Rachel only found out about my cancer last week. 

"Rachel," I acknowledged softly. 

She immediately looked up. Her face was tear-streaked, and her green eyes were cloudy. Sadness wasn't the best look on her.

"Percy, I- I'm sorry," she said while crying again into her arms. 

I was frozen in place for a second. She seemed so genuine, and I knew that something was definitely wrong. 

I crouched next to her. I gently grabbed her wrists and pulled them away from her face. 

"Rachel, what happened?" I asked. 

"I didn't mean for Drew to know. She overheard me when I called you last week. I thought I was alone in the art room, but she was in the hallway," Rachel said. 

She was begging and pleading for forgiveness. 

I watched her face and her eyes to see if she was lying, but I didn't see anything immoral. Rachel seemed to be telling the truth. 

"Are you genuine about this or lying? I'm asking because I don't want to be hurt again. Please be honest, Rachel." 

"I am, Percy. We've had a rocky relationship, but I'd never do that to you," she said. "Percy, I would never hurt you like this." 

I stared at her for a few seconds. 

I genuinely believed that this was all a crazy mistake. 

Honestly, I was hurt by what happened, but my life wasn't ruined or anything. I had forgiven Calypso when she destroyed me years ago, so I could do the same for Rachel, especially if she didn't do anything wrong. 

Life's too short to hold grudges against people. As a cancer patient, I knew that. 

"It's okay, Rachel. I forgive you," I said softly. 

"Really?" she asked hopefully. 

"Yeah, we're good. It'll take time to fully trust and befriend you again, but I forgive you. Come on, let's go to lunch," I said softly as I pulled her up. 


"I can't believe you, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said with a smile. 

She was driving me home after my chemo session on Friday. The March cycle had officially started, and the side effects hit right away. I decided to bring someone along just in case, and it was a good thing that I had. 

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