Chapter 14: The Ex-Girlfriend

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Annabeth POV

The next half hour was completely chaotic. There was so much to think about, especially regarding Percy, but all the activity pushed those thoughts aside. The police were asking all of us questions, cops and paramedics were bustling about, and the criminals were being escorted to prison.

Atlas was a very bad man, and he deserved to be behind bars for the rest of his life. What kind of father would maliciously hurt his own children?

I was currently sitting inside Percy's car as I waited for Percy and Calypso to finish their conversation with Officer Ares. Apparently, Calypso would have to live with a foster family from now on, and the family was already prepared to take her. We just had to drop her off.

Calypso was leaning against a cop car.

She was a beautiful girl, and I somehow felt self-cautious. Percy and Calypso had evidently dated in the past, and they seemed to have a complex relationship.

I felt bad for Calypso. This must've been so hard for her.

I watched as Percy walked towards Calypso with a water bottle. Calypso took it softly but didn't take a drink or anything. Percy started talking, but of course, I couldn't hear their conversation. Calypso seemed to get emotional again, however, and Percy took her into his arms slowly.

I felt a tug in my gut. For some reason, I didn't like the visual in front of me at all.

Percy being that close (physically and emotionally) to another girl was simply off-putting. It felt like acid was bubbling in my gut as I turned away.

My phone rang, and I quickly answered, grateful for the distraction.

"Hey, Piper, what is it?" I asked in a tired voice.

"Annabeth, I have big news. A girl our age is moving into my house. Her dad, who is a criminal, apparently got arrested. Poor girl," Piper said in sympathy.

"Yeah, I know, Piper. Her name is Calypso."

"Wait, Annabeth, how do you know all this?" Piper asked in surprise.

"Because I'm with her right now, Piper." I started to explain everything that happened tonight as my eyes stayed on Percy's and Calypso's embrace. Percy was gently rubbing her back, which seemed to surely comfort Calypso.

I knew that Percy was just helping her out, but I honestly wanted him to let go of her. Ugh.

"Wow, Annabeth, are you okay?"

"Yeah, everyone is all right, Piper. Thanks for asking. We'll be at your house in a few minutes."

"Okay, I'll see you, Annabeth. Bye."

As I ended the call, Percy and Calypso made their way to the car. Calypso got into the back as Percy started to drive.

My eyes wandered to Percy. He was such a sweet person for how he was helping Calypso. I hadn't realized that Percy's temple and cheek were bruised until now. Percy must've gotten hurt during the scuffle.

"Thank you so much, Annabeth," Calypso spoke softly.

I turned around to face Calypso. She seemed like a nice person, but I instinctually wasn't fond of her. The only reason behind that was the fact that she and Percy were together once.

I smiled softly before giving a quick response.

We drove in silence.

We pulled up at the McLean house pretty quickly. Piper's housekeeper, butler, and Piper were waiting outside of her big house.

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