Chapter 32: The Surgery

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Annabeth POV

Strong arms wrapped around my waist and stomach from behind. I felt his lips press into my cheek as his grip tightened around me. 

"Hey, Wise Girl," Percy whispered huskily into my ear. It was hot and sensual. 

I turned around slowly and met his lips with mine. "Seaweed Brain, you said that you wouldn't come today," I said. 

"I know. I thought that the chemo side effects would hit, but they really haven't yet. So, I thought I'd come and join you," he said with a smile. 

The month of May marked the last chemo cycle that Percy hopefully would ever have to take. While I was nervous about the surgery that was being planned for June, I was so happy that Percy could finally be free of his cancer. 

"All right, let's go into the theater, Seaweed Brain," I said laughing. 

As we got settled into our seats, I noticed that there were very few people in the theater. Besides my group of friends, there were only about ten more individuals here. I always checked the reviews of the movie, and this one had good reviews, but people were saying that it was slow. 

It was one of those emotional movies, but it was slow-moving. 

I had to admit that the reviews were correct. I often found myself bored, and I noticed that Percy wasn't even paying attention. 

His fingers were softly playing with my right hand the whole time. Not that I minded. 

"That was a good movie, right guys?" Hazel asked excitedly as we walked out of the movie theater. 

Everyone kind of just shrugged or evaded the question.

It made sense that Hazel would like the movie. She was really interested in movies that took place in the past. Specifically, those that took place in the 1900s. 

"Hazel, I'm sorry to say this, but your taste sucks," Leo exclaimed. 

Everyone laughed along. Leo was honest and accurate, at least. Hazel's face reddened as we all assured her that it was fine.

The gang (the seven of us) were heading to a restaurant for dinner now. 

Percy put his arm around my shoulders as we walked towards the car. "It honestly wasn't a horrible movie," he said. 

"Seaweed Brain, you weren't even watching it."

"I know. I was watching and touching you the whole time. That's what made it so good," Percy said with a smile and chuckle. 

"Well, I can't say the same," I said teasingly. 

Percy made a pouting baby seal face that I found so cute. I couldn't stop myself from kissing him on the lips. Of course, he quickly kissed back. 

"Okay, lovebirds, break it up. We have a single fellow here," Leo said as he physically came in between us. 

Leo was now walking in between me and Percy. I immediately missed his warmth, but I was still laughing along with my friends. 

Things were really looking bright right now. 


"Hi, sweetie, can I talk to you real quick?" 

"Of course, dad," I said as I ushered my father into my room. He had to go on a business trip this week for a job that he couldn't do virtually. I assumed he was just going to talk about that. 

He sat down on my bed as I pushed my homework aside and turned to him. 

"I know that I already talked to Percy a few times and met him as well. However, don't you think that I should have an official meeting with your boyfriend," he said firmly. 

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