Chapter 26: The Email

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Percy POV

I cannot believe that I confessed my feelings for Annabeth. I told her I loved her, but I also told her that I wasn't ready for a real relationship. 

Wise Girl deserved the best in the world, and I wasn't that right now. Even if I was my best self, I wasn't confident in it. I wanted to be the best for Annabeth because when I start a relationship with her, I don't intend to stop. Ever. 

"All right, Percy, you're done with your February chemo cycle. You must be relieved," Dr. Solace said. 

"Yes, I am very relieved," I said earnestly. 

"That's good. Straighten your leg for me," she asked. I did as I was told.

I was having an orthopedic general check-up with Dr. Solace. I usually had a general check-up every few months. These checks were to make sure that I still had full function of my right leg, which I fortunately did. 

"Dr. Solace, do you think that the new intense regimen is helping?" I asked. 

"We started the regimen in December, so it's been 3 cycles, Percy. I have been looking at your x-rays, but I want to see your next one in March before confirming any results with you." 

Dr. Solace said this while smiling. I was gonna take that as a good sign. 

It was a good sign, and I was hopeful. 

"Thanks, Doc."

"So, how's school going, Percy?" 

"It's fine, but I hate school," I said honestly. 

My doctor started laughing. "If you can believe, I was the same at your age. Anyway, Will tells me that you have a girlfriend, now." 

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I wasn't sure that Annabeth and I could be classified as a couple. However, I liked the idea. 

"Yeah, I guess so, but we're not official or anything."

Dr. Solace chuckled as she continued with my exam. I was so glad that the torturous chemo cycle was over last week. Annabeth was such a great help with getting me through it. I found comfort and relief from her by simply being around her. The physical stuff was a great bonus, though. 

However, we didn't even get close to sleeping together. 

I was the one who was holding back. I didn't want Annabeth to think that I was just physically using her for alternative pain relief. 

"All right, Percy. You are good to go. Tell your mom that I'll call to update her in the next few hours," Dr. Solace said. 

"Thank you so much, Doctor," I said. 

I was so grateful for the medical professionals (doctors, nurses, and hospital staff) that were helping me right now. Without them, I don't know how I would get through this. They work so hard to support me and take care of me. 


"Hey Bro, why are you always late in the morning?" Grover asked as I got into his car. 

"I'm not even that late," I exclaimed. 

"Percy, I was waiting here for ten minutes. You were up there applying makeup weren't you?" Grover asked chuckling. 

"Bro, I don't need makeup to be beautiful. I already am," I said sassily. 

Grover continued to laugh as we drove to school. We didn't have to pick up Juniper today because she was out of town visiting her grandparents. 

We continued to talk and fool around for the rest of the ride. 

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