Chapter 9: The Volunteer

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Annabeth POV

Percy didn't show up to school on Thursday and Friday. Percy hadn't come to school last month around this time either. In fact, his two-day absence was exactly a month apart. While it could be a coincidence, organized sickness was strange. 

None of my friends seemed to realize it or they didn't care.

However, I was curious, which is why I was running towards Grover in the parking lot after school on Friday. Grover, being Percy's best friend, had to know something. 

"Hey, Grover," I called as I approached him. 

Grover was waiting for Juniper next to his car. He was wearing simple jeans and a jacket today as the weather was starting to get much cooler. 

"Hello, Annabeth, what's up?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask about Percy." 

"Why?" he asked with suspicion. 

"No, he's just not at school. And, I've noticed that he hasn't been at school last month around this time either. Do you know what that's about?"

Grover immediately looked nervous. I could tell based on his squinting eyes and fidgeting fingers. "He's just sick," Grover replied curtly. 

I knew he wasn't giving the full truth, but I didn't have any leverage to pull the information out of him. After all, Percy and I literally had no relationship. Hell, I don't think we could even call each other friends. 

We were just two teenagers that made a deal with each other that would end in humiliation or sex or both. Ugh. I started walking back to Thalia's car. Thalia and Jason were waiting for me inside their car as I entered through the back door. 

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late," I said quickly. 

"No worries, Annabeth," Jason said politely. Jason was always someone who some people would call a goodie-goodie. In my opinion, he was a straight rule-follower. 

"What kept you, Annie? You're usually not late unless you have a reason," Thalia said. 

"I was talking to Grover about Percy." 

"Wait, why?" Thalia asked. 

"Thalia, Percy is not a bad guy. Annabeth's allowed to be curious about him considering he's absent today," Jason said to stick up for one of his best friends. 

"I'm not curious or concerned. I just noticed something and thought Grover would know something."

"Okay, what did you notice, and did Grover tell you?" Thalia asked.

"Well, Percy wasn't at school yesterday and today. I've noticed that he was absent the exact Thursday and Friday last month, too."

"So, he could just be sick, Annie," Thalia said. Jason, however, seemed to get lost in thought. 

"Yeah, that's what Grover said too, but he was being cagey. Grover's pretty easy to read." 

"So, Grover was lying for Percy. Wait, do you think that Percy broke the deal?" Thalia asked. I immediately felt a wave of sorrow pass through me, which was strange. I mean I wanted Percy to break the deal. Right?

"No, Percy didn't. He would've told us if he had. However, now that you mentioned it Annabeth., he's always absent around this time of the month. I never realized it till now." 

"Jason, it's strange and very suspicious for a person to get 'sick' at the same time every month. Even periods aren't that consistent," Thalia said with a smirk. Jason's face reddened a little. 

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