Chapter 30: The X-Rays

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"Hey Perce, do you want me to plug in some music?" I asked my best friend. 

Percy was currently getting situated on the x-ray machine. He'd have to lay there for some time as the machine takes the images. The last time I came to one of Percy's scans, I think the scan took about 40 minutes. 

"Yeah, that would be great, G-man," Percy said as he laid his head down on the pillow. His leg was going to get scanned via an MRI. 

This scan was going to say a lot about Percy's medical future. 

"Hey, bro, don't be nervous," I said reassuringly. I gently patted his shoulder. His hand moved to give my hand a squeeze. Percy attempted to smile, but I could see his nervousness. 

Percy really wanted and needed good news right now. 

I smiled at my best friend before leaving the room. I'd be sitting in the radiology control room, which had a giant window connecting to the scanning room. 

I plugged in my phone, and the music started at the same time as the MRI. 

"Really, Grover, this song," Percy exclaimed. 

I clicked the speaker button before speaking up. "Yup, this song is great," I said back. 

'Alive' by Sia was playing in the background. I had a lot of survival and fight songs on my phone simply because of Percy. 

The next forty minutes felt like an eternity, but we were finally done. Percy self-cautiously fixed his hospital gown before we made our way to Dr. Solace's office. Percy sat down and started rubbing his right knee. The entire area was swollen and red like it always was. 

I patted his shoulder once again. 

"Don't worry, Percy, it's going to be good news," I said reassuringly. 

"G-man, since this hell started, I only received bad news. What makes today different?" he said helplessly. 

I could tell that Percy (despite finding love and joy over the past few months) was struggling to keep himself together. Cancer messed people up, and it changed them. 

"I believe that it's different, Perce," I said softly. 

Before our conversation can continue, Percy's parents and Dr. Solace walked into the room holding several x-rays. Her expressions were neutral, so I couldn't tell anything. 

Sally sat down next to Percy as Paul and I remained standing. 

"Would you like someone to bring in more seats?" Dr. Solace asked politely. 

"No, we're fine. Thank you," Mr. Blofis said. 

Mr. Blofis, just like everyone else in the room, just wanted to news as soon as possible. Dr. Solace hung up a series of 6 x-rays on the illuminated wall screen. They were all pictures of Percy's right leg (from mid-thigh to lower tibia), but they had different dates on them. 

"What do you see, Percy?" Dr. Solace asked. 

"I don't know, my cancerous leg," Percy responded. 

"Well, yes. But, what I see is that over the past four months, your cancer has lessened," Dr. Solace said firmly with a smile. 

While I didn't know what that meant, I could tell that it was medically good news. 

"I don't understand," Percy said honestly. Sally and Paul both stared intensely at their son before turning back to the doctor. 

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