Chapter 8: The Queen's Flirt

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Percy POV

I cannot believe everyone saw me throw up. The freezing water messed up my system, and I couldn't stop myself from spilling my guts. 

I realized, however, that Annabeth's presence was a game-changer. Her touch soothed me in a similar way to sex, but it was also different. I didn't quite understand it, yet I appreciated it so much. 

It's been a month since our deal, and there were only two more months to go. The chemo cycle had started, and I was not looking forward to it. I guess that's why I decided to go out with Annabeth again. Her presence was somehow helpful even though we didn't do anything sexual. In fact, she was arguing or annoyed with me for most of the time we were together, yet her presence was calming, soothing, and pain-relieving. 

I was getting myself into some deep shit with Wise Girl. 


"So, you two are going on another date?" Rachel asked as anger masked her face. 

I didn't know what to say. I knew that Rachel didn't like me, but I thought she'd be over it by now. 

"It's not a date, Rachel," Annabeth said. 

"I don't see why you have to be hanging out with him, Annabeth. He's my ex-boyfriend and a player. Do you know how wrong that is?" 

I pretended to be talking to Jason even though the whole table was listening to their conversation. They weren't exactly talking quietly either. 

Annabeth sighed before responding, "Rachel, nothing is going on. Besides, I'm not even one percent interested in Percy." Her voice softened by the end so that it wouldn't come off so rude. Still, I felt slightly uncomfortable by her words. 

"Yeah, and what will you do if he lasts two more months?"

"I, uh.."

"You'll happily sleep with him," Rachel affirmed. 

"Rachel, stop. He's not gonna win this deal," she said before turning to me. "You're going to lose this deal, Percy." 

"I don't know, Wise Girl, we'll have to see," I said with a smirk. 

Annabeth just glared at me. Honestly, even though we had a deal, I wasn't going to make her sleep with me if she didn't want to. Consent was important in relationships, and I wasn't going to force any girl to do anything that she didn't want to do. That was wrong (practically, equivalent to rape), and I would never. 

Before she could say anything, I felt arms wrap around my neck from behind. Annabeth looked at me in shock with her mouth open. I quickly turned around to see who it was. 

Drew Tanaka, aka the Queen Bee of Goode High, was standing right in front of me. We had a complicated relationship, to say the least. We were physically and sexually on and off. Drew was who I called for an emergency sexual experience (if the cancer side effects were bad). She was always willing and talented too, but I didn't like her beyond that. 

I sighed. "What do you want, Drew?"

"Percy, we're overdue for a night together," Drew said slyly as she ran her hands up my chest. 

I couldn't deny that I got excited. Plus, I was in the middle of my chemo cycle, so my body was certainly accepting of alternative pain relief. 

Her lips started to come to my face, but I swerved away. A kiss would count as a sexual experience, which would mean that I'd be losing the deal if I accepted it. Drew's face scrunched up at the notion of being rejected. Yeah, boys didn't reject Drew as she was at the top of the social food chain for all the cliche reasons. 

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