Chapter 25: The Love

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Annabeth POV

"Annabeth, he cleaned out his trailer," Piper said excitedly for the fifth time.

"Oh my god, Piper, you repeated that five times already. What is the big deal?" I asked. Piper was an incredible friend, but it was annoying when she kept saying something like there was a hidden meaning. Of course, I didn't get it.

"It's pretty obvious, Annie. I thought you were the smart one," Thalia said with a smirk.

"Don't make me smack that smile off your face Thalia. Also, stop calling me Annie."

Piper and Thalia were both staring at me with bright smiles, but I was still waiting for an answer. Piper sighed as she took out her phone, opened the photo app, and showed me.

"Piper, you freaking to pictures of me?" I asked in shock.

"No, I took pictures of both of you when you were painting his trailer. Look at how he's looking at you. I know love when I see it," she said dreamily.

This was true. Piper was so good at analyzing people and their emotions.

"And now, Percy completely redid his trailer for you," Piper squealed.

"Oh my god, this doesn't have to do with me," I said as I gave her phone back. However, even I didn't believe the words that came out of my mouth. I knew that Percy had feelings for me, and cleaning his trailer had to do with me too.

"Annabeth, Percy likes you, and he wants you to be different/special from all the other girls. Percy is changed and redoing his trailer is one way of showing it," Thalia said.

"Plus, when he finally gets you, Percy wants to take you to your own place. Not someplace that he brought all his girls to in the past," Piper continued.

Honestly, what they were saying did make sense. I felt the blood rise to my cheeks slightly at the idea that Percy was doing all of this to make me special. However, I honestly didn't need material things myself, but if it made Percy feel better (then, it was okay).

"Aww, Annie is blushing. Who is this girl?"

"Shut up," I exclaimed while laughing.

Our conversation in the hallway died when the Queen Bee stomped over in her loud, high heels. Makeup completed caked Drew's face today, making it incredibly hard to decipher her expressions. Maybe that's why all the cliche high school demons padded their faces with makeup and arrogance.

"Hello, Annabitc-"

"What do you want, Drew?" I snapped before she could finish.

I wasn't going to give her of all people any satisfaction of insulting me.

"You stole my man away from me," Drew said maliciously.

"Which man, Drew? We all know you have dozens of them," Piper said slyly.

Drew and Piper glared at each other for several seconds. They had a rivaling history due to Drew's obscene interest in Jason. Drew was honestly gross in how she thought about relationships, boys, and love.

Drew turned her glare in my direction.

"You took Percy Jackson from me, and I don't appreciate it."

"Get over it, Drew. Percy is not interested in you. Besides, Percy isn't some doll that belongs to a person. He can choose who he wants to be with," I said firmly.

Drew's glare intensified as she stepped closer.

However, I wasn't scared of Drew.

"I always get my way Annabeth. You and Percy have been warned. I can make his life and consequently yours a living hell," she said dangerously.

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