Chapter 12: The Bruises

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Annabeth POV

Percy was acting strange. While I didn't know him for that long, acting moody was not something he did. Percy was always the type to be enthusiastic and make others feel better, so seeing this side of him was weird.

It was like watching a silent storm brew.

My curiosity was piquing because I knew that something wasn't right.

"Hey, Thalia, did you notice that Percy was acting differently?" I asked as we walked towards her car. Jason and Piper were spending time together today while Hazel and Rachel were at their art club meeting, so we were alone today.

She paused and turned to me. There was some hesitation on her face before responding.

"Different, how?" she asked nonchalantly.

"Come on, Thalia. Percy was very moody, and he didn't talk to anyone at lunch."

"Is there a reason you care so much, Annie?"

I didn't know how to respond. "I, err, I don't care. I'm just curious."

"Annabeth, you're not, like, liking Percy. Are you?" she asked with conflicted emotionalism.

"What? Thalia, of course not. I was just-"

"Annabeth, I think that you shouldn't get close to Percy. I don't know what's going on with him, but you shouldn't get near him if you don't like him. Right now, if you don't really like him, then you shouldn't go meddling into or messing his life."

I stared at my friend. Thalia usually didn't get so deep and serious, but she made complete logical sense. If I didn't like Percy, then why did I care so much. I really shouldn't.

"Even this deal is a bad idea, Annabeth," Thalia said seriously. "I really wish we hadn't put this deal on him, especially now."

While I understood what Thalia was saying, it was weird how she said "especially now." What did that mean? Also, why was Thalia supporting Percy when she disliked him even more than I did?

We were about to get in the car when a voice stopped us.

"Annabeth," his deep voice said boldly.

I turned around to face Luke. I couldn't believe I actually loved Luke in the past. I had somehow not seen his aggressive and manipulative personality that had clearly shown in the past few weeks.

However, I was surprised to see Luke with various bruises on his body and face. Thalia and I looked at each other before turning back to Luke again.

"What do you want, Luke?" Thalia asked firmly.

"Annabeth, I wanted to talk to you. Please, listen to me. You shouldn't be near Percy. He's dangerous, Annabeth."

"What, what do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

Luke stepped forward quickly. "Annabeth, look at me. Look at what he did to me," he exclaimed boldly.

I stared at the bruises on Luke's face. During lunch, Percy had suspiciously said that he had gotten into a fight. His knuckles were bruised.

"Why would Percy fight you?" Thalia asked. Thalia looked straight at Luke as if trying to scare the truth out of him. Luke, however, kept his gaze on me.

"Because of you, Annabeth. Percy wants you, and he is a player after all. That's also why he's acting all nice to you after you made the deal. If he can get you before the deal is over, then technically your agreement goes null, and he'll be free."

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