Chapter 5: The Museum

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Annabeth POV

Percy's change in mood was shocking. His tone and expression became serious as he turned away to his friends. I had no explanation for his sudden change.

It was so strange that I didn't even feel the joy that he finally stopped bothering me.

I hadn't said anything too insulting either. At least, it couldn't be something that he wasn't used to already. Right?


I realized quickly that Percy and his group showing up wasn't a one-time thing. They sat with us for the rest of the week. Honestly, I liked a lot of Percy's friends because they were fun to be around and talk to. The whole table relatively got along with each other.

However, there were a few exceptions.

One, Rachel didn't appreciate Percy's presence and his friends' presence. I understood where she was coming from, but I didn't think that she should waste her energy on him. Second, Grover didn't seem too fond of me, but I didn't know why. I hadn't done anything wrong to him, and Percy making the deal was his own decision. Finally, Thalia and I certainly didn't like Percy.

The point of the deal was to make him suffer not have him torturing us with his annoying presence and sleazy comments. However, I did like having new friends join our lunch table.

It was like taking a breath of fresh air when Percy didn't show up to school on Thursday and Friday.

"Thank gods, we don't have to deal with him today," Thalia exclaimed after 10 minutes. Percy usually arrived late to lunch because his previous class was far away from the cafeteria.

"I know right," I said with a smile.

"You both don't always have to be so hard on Percy," Grover replied.

"Yeah, Percy isn't a bad guy," Jason emphasized.

"Oh please, Jason, he is definitely a bad guy. After all, he jumps from girl to girl looking for one thing only: sex," Thalia said boldly.

Jason sighed without a response.

"You all don't even know Percy. He's a good and genuine guy," Grover said.

"And a very loyal person as well," Katie supported.

"Didn't he screw and dump you?" Rachel asked in anger.

"Mind your language, Rachel," Katie said firmly. "Percy's and my relationship is old history, but it was also a consenting relationship. I knew what I was getting into. Besides, it's because of Percy that I am dating Travis." 

Travis smiled as he took his girlfriend's hand. I didn't know that Travis and Katie were together because of Percy. That actually seemed like a nice thing to do for a friend.

"Katie, he dumped you and set you up with his friend. How can you call that nice?" Thalia asked logically.

"Yes, we had a relationship, but it ended in a few weeks. Percy thought that Travis and I would make a genuine couple, so he hooked us up. He treated me with respect and looked after his friends. He is a nice and loyal person," Katie insisted and Grover nodded along.

"Don't even get me started on loyalty," Rachel spat. "He dumped me with no warning and went with another girl just a few days later."

Grover seemed to have enough of Rachel because he turned to her sharply. "I'm sorry Rachel, but did he tell you to grow feelings for him. No, he didn't."

"I was there when you both first talked, and he made it clear that this would be like every other one of his relationships. He only wanted a physical connection for a few weeks max," Jason said.

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