Chapter 31: The Special Night

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Percy POV

Spring break fell right after my April chemo cycle, so I luckily had a short vacation period without any chemo side effects, which was great.

I was currently at the mall with some friends. However, I hated shopping for clothes.

"Percy, how does this look?" Piper asked as she held a dress.

"Piper, why are you asking for my opinion? I asked. Jason was staring at our interaction with keen eyes.

"Because you honestly have better taste than Jason," Piper said slyly.

Jason's face reddened before exclaiming, "I do not have bad taste."

"Yes, you do, Jason. You're just way too conservative about the things I wear," Piper teased.

"Well, excuse me, if I don't want other guys checking you out," Jason said defensively.

While I understood both sides of their argument, I was leaning a little towards Piper on this one. Piper had the right to wear whatever she wants. It's everyone else around her that had to respect women enough to not make unwanted gestures or advances.

"Anyway, Percy?" Piper asked me again.

"Yeah, um, it looks nice, Piper, but it depends on the occasion," I said earnestly.

"Is it good for our party tonight?" she asked me and Jason.

"Wait, you didn't say that the party had to be semi-formal. I was just gonna come in jeans and a t-shirt."

"No, no, everyone has to dress nice," Piper exclaimed firmly.

Jason and I both sighed.

"Well, I guess that I have to buy something nice, now," I said in annoyance. With not much time left, I quickly made my way towards Macy's. I ended up buying clothes for myself and a little something for Annabeth. I felt like she'd like the gift.


The party was a good time. Since it was spring break, no one had any obligations. Somehow, Annabeth and I found ourselves alone in Piper's backyard.

"Hey, Wise Girl, I got you something," I said after a while.

"Really? You didn't have to," Annabeth said softly.

Wise Girl was wearing a light pink dress, and she looked absolutely gorgeous. The dress fit her in the best of ways without it looking indecent.

"I wanted to," I said as I handed her the small box.

She stared at it skeptically before opening it. Three silver charms were inside of the box, and they matched her silver bracelet perfectly. Annabeth always wore her silver bracelet, the same one that she left in my car after our first date at the museum.

"They're beautiful," she said as her eyes sparkled with joy. That's how I knew that she really liked them.

"I thought that we could put them on your bracelet," I said.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing," she said with a smile.

I immediately felt relief flood my mind and body. I knew that the silver bracelet meant a lot to her, and I wasn't sure if she wanted to change how it looked.

I took her hand softly in mine and started to attach the charms onto her bracelet.

"It belongs to my mom, Seaweed Brain. I loved her very much," she said.

"Yeah, I bet," I said softly. Annabeth didn't talk about her mother much, but she did share that part of her life with me. It felt good that she trusted me completely.

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