Chapter 24: The Trailer

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Percy POV

I was close to depressed again. My chemo cycle for February starts tomorrow, and I was not looking forward to it. The intensity of the new chemo regimen was actually daunting, and I felt awful at the beginning of every month.

Fortunately, Annabeth was there to spend more time with me. 

I appreciated her presence a lot, but it didn't me avoid my feelings for her. I was trying and failing to fight my feelings for her. 

As I walked through the hallway, my gaze locked onto Luke's. Neither of us said anything, but there was a silent conversation between us. 

I hadn't told anyone that Luke was the one who attacked me that night. Instead, it was just a random guy who jumped me according to everyone else. The truth was that the fear and regret in Luke's eyes were real that night. 

I hoped that he could change because of it. 

Luke gave me a nod before turning back to his locker. I didn't need to get Luke in trouble as long as he stayed away from now on. 

I hated Thursdays, and I hated school on Thursdays (especially the first Thursday of every month. School was so boring, and I almost fell asleep in all of my morning classes. 

I was practically cheering when lunchtime came. 

"Hey, Wise Girl," I said as I sat down next to her. 

"You seem happy to see me, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said slyly. 

"Yes, I am. Plus, I'm grateful that it's finally lunch. Ugh, I hate school," I groaned. 

"Well, school is important, Seaweed Brain." 

"Yeah, Yeah," I said as I waved off her support for school. Annabeth was super smart, so it made sense that she liked school and learning. Honestly, Annabeth and I were nearly polar opposite. She wasn't even my type, yet I fell in love with her. 

Opposites attract, right?

"Hey, guys, so I was thinking about redoing my trailer. Do any of you guys want to help me this Saturday?" I asked the group. 

"You're redoing your trailer, the one that you bring all your girls to," Rachel asked in shock. 

I sighed. "Err, yeah." 

A few of them agreed to help me out. I just didn't want to do the work alone, especially because I'll probably be sick from the chemo. I figured that a working task would be a good distraction for the weekend. 

"What are you planning to do, Percy?" Thalia asked. 

Annabeth also seemed curious. 

"Oh, um, I'm changing the furniture, sheets, and appliances. I'll probably also paint the walls a different color." 

"Woah, you're actually changing everything, bro. Why?" Leo asked. 

"Yeah, why?" Jason and Rachel also asked. There were a few times when I wasn't too comfortable with my serious ex-girlfriend, Rachel, being in our friend group. This was one of the times. 

"Err, I don't know. I guess I wanted a project," I said. I actually wasn't completely sure why I decided to redo the trailer. It was just a sudden impulse. 

"All right," Thalia said. She had a strange, knowing look on her face. 

"Yup, we'll be there, Seaweed Brain. However, you're seriously tripping if you think that you can just sit around and make us do all the work," Annabeth said teasingly. 

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