Chapter 21: The Make-Out Session

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Annabeth POV

I had a pretty awful week.

Percy didn't talk to me even when I tried to start a conversation. Why could he just be like normal people and yell? Instead, he was giving me the silent treatment, which I hated.

I actually missed him. I missed his proximity, warmth, and voice.

Since Percy broke the deal, he went around apologizing to different girls around the school. It was Friday at lunchtime when he got to the last name on his list: Rachel.

"Hey, Rachel, can I talk to you?" Percy asked cautiously.

His voice sounded strained, and he looked really tired. His skin was paler today compared to his usual tan that emphasized his attractive nature. In my opinion, tan skin made any muscular build that the guy may have more attractive.

There was no denying that Percy was attractive, but today, he looked not well for some reason.

"I thought you'd want to talk to me," Rachel said boldly.

Percy and Rachel had everyone's attention now.

"Yeah, well, you're the last girl that I have to apologize to, so yeah. Um, I apologize for anything that I might've done wrong during our relationship," Percy said earnestly.

Percy was actually very sweet, and I hated myself for how I insulted him.

Why did I think for even a second that Percy would make up an abusive father? That was just awful. I felt awful about it.

"Do you want me to accept your apology?" Rachel asked seriously.

Percy sighed. "Not if you don't want to. I broke the deal, so it's my responsibility to apologize. The rest is up to you," he said tiredly.

"You hurt me, Percy," Rachel said firmly.

Ugh, did she really have to bring this up again? It's been like four months since their very short-lived relationship ended. They weren't even that serious.

Percy seemed to swallow a lump of emotion that was stuck in his throat before looking up at Rachel once again.

"Did you love me?" he asked softly.

Everyone was taken aback, including Rachel and myself.

"What? No, of course not," Rachel said. "We only dated for like four-six weeks, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt when you abruptly broke it off."

My eyes turned back to Percy, who ignored my gaze.

"Then, we weren't even serious. So, it would be best for both of us if we put our relationship behind us."

He paused for a few moments before continuing, "life can be too short to dwell on inconsequential things. You should know that."

Percy sounded so serious and genuine as he said those words. They were something you hear in a philosophy book or out of a motivational speaker's mouth. They were powerful, but his tone carried the real effect.

Rachel just stared at him for a second before getting back to lunch. Their conversation ended after that.

"Annabeth," Percy acknowledged softly.

I felt goosebumps rise as I turned to face him. He was standing behind me when I thought he'd go to his seat. I was so happy he was talking to me.

"Percy, I have to tell you something. I'm so sor-"

"Here," Percy said quickly interrupting me.

I took the piece of paper from his hands. It had all the names of the girls he had apologized to.

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