Chapter 15 - Watch Out

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A week later, Chimney and Addie are now out on their fourth date since her arrival in LA. The restaurant is nearly empty as it is getting close to closing time. They've been there for almost four hours, just drinking and talking. "So, Addie... We've been out on a few dates now..." Chimney says, awkwardly swirling his drink.

"I know. It's crazy! Who would have thought I would have met someone like you so fast!" Addie says excitedly, "You are amazing, Howie. I am so glad that I got to meet you."

"Exactly... I'm glad I met you, too... And, well, I have a question for you..." Chimney gulps.

"Is everything alright?" Addie asks, holding back a smile, thinking she knows what is going to come out of his mouth next.

"Addelaide, will you be my girlfriend?" Chimney takes her hand in his. She looks at him with a straight face, without saying a word. Getting nervous, he pulls at the collar of his shirt.

"I would be honored to be your girlfriend, Howard." Addie giggles. Chimney sighs in relief, and lets out a laugh.

"Awesome." Chimney leans back in his chair.

"Did you think that I was going to say no?" Addie looks at him with a smirk.

"No... What would give you that idea?" Chimney laughs, "The fact that I am sweating like a pig?" Chimney fans himself with his hand.

"I had to give you a hard time."

"You and your Uncle Bobby both."

"I did spend a lot of time with him growing up... It doesn't at all surprise me that I share some of his personality traits." Addie looks at her watch.

"Well... It's getting to be time for them to close. Why don't we take this back to my place?" Chimney smiles.

"I'd like that." Addie's eyes sparkle. Chimney takes her hand and leads her to the car, where he opens the door for her.

"Let me guess you have a plan." Addie laughs as he sits in the drivers seat.

"Wha... What? A plan for what?" Chimney laughs awkwardly.

"I'm almost positive that you have candles and roses back at your place." she laughs.

"Well... So much for a surprise." Chimney shrugs his shoulders as he starts the car. He drives off towards his apartment.

"Howie, I know you've been waiting for this since the day we met." she laughs again, "But don't worry. I have too."

"Oh, is that so?" he asks as he glances over at her.

"CHIMNEY! Watch out!" Addie screams.

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