Chapter 73 - Be Advised

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"Can you believe the wedding is in three weeks?" Athena smiles as Addie walks into the police station the next morning. 

"Not at all." Addie shakes her head in disbelief.  

"You can't believe it in a good way or in a bad way?" Athena looks at her, a little worried. 

"In a good way. It's just so surreal." Addie grins. 

"It is a crazy feeling, isn't it?" Athena smiles. 

"It is." Addie says as the radio on Athena's shoulder crackles. 

"Attention, all units, we have a hostage situation at the Santa Monica pier train station. Be advised we have been informed that the suspect is armed." a dispatcher calls over the radio. 

"Sounds like we've got a fun day ahead of us." Athena smirks before she and Addie run out to the patrol car. Athena jumps into the driver's seat and speeds off towards the pier. 

"Are you going to be alright?" Addie quietly looks over to Athena.

"What? Why wouldn't I be?" Athena asks, trying not to think about it. 

"Isn't this the first armed suspect call you've gotten since..." Addie starts. Athena just nods without saying a word. Not even five minutes later, Athena stops the car in the parking lot in front of the train station. 

"It looks like it's at the pier." Athena says, looking over to the crowd of people, all too quiet for a normal bustling day at the pier. 

"Yeah..." Addie takes a deep breath as Athena hands her a bullet proof vest. They silently pull on their vests, both visibly nervous. 

"You ready?" Athena gulps as she looks over at Addie. 

"What should we do?" Addie looks to Athena. 

"We can be crowd control for now. We've got to try to get as many people away from the scene as we can." Athena directs, "I need to grab my gun. You go on without me." Addie nods and takes off running towards the crowd of people. Athena walks over to the driver's side door and opens it. She looks down at her gun, sitting on the seat and closes her eyes. Slowly she reaches her hand out and places it around the gun, and pulls it back to her holster. Taking a deep breath she puts her hand on the door to close it as the radio crackles. 

"All units be advised. We have just received word that you should not approach the suspect. I repeat do not approach the suspect." the dispatcher calls as a gunshot echoes off of the high rises across the street from the pier.

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