Chapter 50 - Family

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"What a wonderfully dreadful day." Buck laughs as he and Eddie walk into the firehouse. Another month has gone past since Addie and Chimney's engagement party.

"It's nice. We needed some rain around here." Eddie smiles. The sky outside is black, and rain is pouring down. Buck pulls off his soaking wet jacket as he walks into the locker room.

"Good morning." Hen looks over as the two of them walk in together.

"Morning, Hen." Eddie smiles, as he brushes his hand through his wet hair, trying to get some of the water off.

"Having a good day, I take it?" Hen smirks.

"Now what would give you that impression, Hen?" Buck walks over and gives her a soaking wet hug.

"Buckley!" Hen yells as she jumps away.

"Well? What gives you that impression?" Eddie asks.

"You two haven't stopped smiling since you walked in." Hen says, trying to wipe the water off of her shirt.

"He's been happy ever since I admitted that I love him too." Buck laughs and takes off his wet shirt, hanging it over the door of his locker. Just then, Chimney walks in with a tight, baby blue raincoat. Hen can't help but let out a laugh.

"I know. I know. Laugh it up." Chimney walks over to the bench and peels the tight coat off of his arms.

"Whatcha got there, Chim?" Hen looks at him, trying to hold back the laughter.

"Addie didn't want me getting sick and she wouldn't let me leave until I took one of her raincoats." Chimney shoves it into his locker.

"Uh huh... Well, it is definitely your color." Buck winks jokingly.

"Shut up... At least Addie cares about me." Chimney sighs.

"What did she do?" Bobby asks, stopping in the doorway.

"She made me wear her baby blue raincoat." Chimney pulls it out of his locker and holds it up.

"What a good Minnesotan." Bobby chuckles as he snaps a picture of Chimney and the raincoat.

"Cap. Come on." Chimney slumped his shoulders and shoves it back into his locker.

"I'm sorry, but Athena has to see this." Bobby laughs as he texts Athena.

"Oh no. Cap! She is going to tell Addie, and then she will feel bad about it." Chimney complained.

"You're going to be a part of my family, Chim. I can do it if I want to." Bobby laughs.

"Are you really going to keep holding the whole family thing over my head?" Chimney smirks.

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